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易咀嚼的和有嚼劲的。crunchy and chewy.

你还真看来又软又有嚼劲。You do look soft and chewy.

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这比美国蛋卷咸一些也更有嚼劲。It's saltier and more chewy than American omelets.

四周耐咀嚼的苍翠,遒劲有力地直指苍穹。Around chewy lush, powerful ground against the sky.

有着浓烈的单宁酸的味道的红酒杯说成是“柔软而会黏着的”。" A wine with a strong tannin taste could be "chewy.

杰里嚼了两个不易嚼碎的樱桃。Jerry chewed two chewy cherries. Jerry chewed two chewy cherries. Jerry.

吃狗怎么了?我猜狗肉是硬邦邦的而且嚼都嚼不烂?What's wrong with eating dog? I imagine it is quite tough and chewy though?

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梅尔糖一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成。A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring.

煮熟的藜麦有一些坚果的香味同时保持不粘,蓬松,有口感。The cooked seeds have a nutlike flavor and remain separate, fluffy and chewy.

可能有点软了吧唧的,但是我想味道不会太差吧。It would probably be a little chewy , but I don't think it would taste so bad.

枸杞耐嚼,味道介于越桔和樱桃之间。Goji berries are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.

酒体丰腴,单宁丰富,耐人寻味,但不乏醇香的水果口味。此酒颇为强劲,浑厚。Full-bodied, and chewy with lots of tannins but loads of fruit. A muscular, big wine.

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灌芯料经球磨后具有芯料流动性好、光滑、均匀、口感性好等优点。After milled, the in filling is a smooth, even and nice chewy texture with good fluidity.

这些葡萄干大小的果实口感好,味道介于蔓越莓和樱桃之间。These raisin-size fruits are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.

酒体丰腴,果味与香草气息耐人寻味。回味丰饶,持久。Full-bodied and chewy with plenty of fruit and vanilla. A rich and exciting wine with a long finish.

不同的是甜玉米的北美,山东玉米咬嚼和淀粉,往往草地的香味。Unlike the sweet corn of North America, Shandong corn is chewy and starchy, often with a grassy aroma.

黄梨冰品,色彩丰富又冷冻的饮品,里头有嚼劲的果冻让人喝起来也乐趣无穷。De Coco Pine, the colorful icy cool drink, and the chewy Nata De Coco added the enjoyment of the drink itself.

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是的,每咬一口柔滑的烤蔬菜和耐嚼的比萨皮,我饥饿的灵魂都几乎尖叫,真的是这样。Yes, my starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust, yes.

新鲜的竹笋在大部分街市都有卖,切片时必须横切,煮好后才不会老。You can buy fresh shoots at some Chinese markets. Slice cross sectionally or it will turn very chewy when cooked.

寿司和刺身里的鲸鱼很油腻,嚼起来淡而无味,满嘴都是鲸脂的味道——有点像放久了的三文鱼。As sushi and sashimi, it was fatty and chewy with a bland, blubbery taste — like salmon that's been kept out too long.