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他竖起一只眼皮。He cocked an eyebrow.

马的耳朵竖起来了。The horse's ears cocked up.

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那狗用两只后腿站着乞食。The dog cocked its hind leg.

竖起你的耳朵,听我说。Cocked your ear , listen to me.

这条狗忽然把耳朵竖起来。The dog cocked its ears suddenly.

草席边沿翘起来了。The edge of the mat is cocked up.

士兵们扳起步枪的扳机。The soldiers cocked their rifles.

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兵士们扳起火枪的枪栓准备射击。The soldiers cocked their rifles.

他翘起双腿放在书桌上。He cocked his feet up on the desk.

她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.

他向我竖起眉毛要求解释。He cocked an eyebrow for me to explain.

马的耳朵立刻竖起来。The horse's ears cocked up immediately.

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这个党把欧盟选举搞砸了。The party cocked up the Euro-elections.

他歪戴着帽子,挥舞着手杖。He cocked his hat and twirled his stick.

那匹马竖起耳朵不走了。The horse stopped with its ears cocked up.

他斜着眼睛看她的高跟鞋。He cocked his eyes on her high-heeled shoes.

他把头歪向一边,冲我微微一笑。He cocked his head and gave me a half smile.

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这个男人按照最近时兴的方式歪戴着帽子。The man cocked his hat in the latest fashion.

他停顿了一下,歪着头,好像是在听。He paused and cocked his head as if listening.

咔嗒一声,猎人扳动了枪机。There was a click as the hunter cocked his rifle.