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将潜水者带往潜水处的小船。Boat taking divers to dive site.

警方的潜水夫在搜索河底。Police divers are searching the river bed.

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船员们经常看不到水中的潜水员。Often boaters can’t see divers in the water.

参与工程建设的潜水员们。Divers participated in the construction process.

漩涡能将潜水者往下方拉扯。Whirlpools and eddies can pull divers downwards.

潜水者身处大堡礁时必须小心在巨大堡礁谨慎。Divers have to be careful on the Great Barrier Reef.

潜水员常常炫耀与白鲸玩。Divers often play with white whales who seem to show off.

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潜水者们于周五下午遇到了那只科莫多龙。The divers ran into the Komodo dragon on Friday afternoon.

济州岛的女性捞海者,图由白苏诺摄。Female divers of the Jeju Islands. Image by Brenda Paik Suno.

很多鲨鱼潜水游客说游近鲨鱼是令人激动的。Many shark divers say it is exciting to swim near the animals.

直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.

每天五名潜水员下潜到水下寻找船只的残骸。Five divers descended daily to look for teh remains of the ship.

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海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.

在墨西哥阿卡普尔科海岸附近,潜水员救助了一只座头鲸。Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico.

就连无执照的潜水者,也可参与这项充满乐趣的活动!Even non-certified divers can take part on this fun-filled activity!

米查姆击败了两名同样为金牌而来的顶级中国选手。Mitcham beat two top Chinese divers who will challenge him for gold.

彩虹般形形色色的海洋生物让潜水夫惊奇不已。The rainbow of ocean creatures fills the divers with a sense of wonder.

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而即便是这些珍珠采集者也无法长时间地不呼吸。Yet even these pearl divers can't go without breathing for a long time.

潜水员认为这头鲸可能已经被网缠了两个月。Divers think the whale may have been tangled there for up to two months.

你家里不可有一大一小两样的升斗。Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small.