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这些是州是他们拼杀的“战场”。These are the "battleground" states.

所有的军阶和战场声望无效了么?Are all ranks and battleground reputations gone?

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选举的战场是坚定不移的中心。The electoral battleground is firmly in the center.

这是消灭资本主义的主战场!“This is the main battleground of capitalism!” he says.

双方近期的主战场是移动计算。The key battleground in the near term is mobile computing.

在盖底兹堡的战场上,他是这样说的。For on the battleground at Gettysburg, this is what he said.

奥巴马和麦凯恩都在选情不定的州开始竞选活动。Both McCain and Obama campaigning Sunday in battleground states.

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食品业已经把该指南确认为一个战场。The food industry has identified the guidelines as a battleground.

这些所谓的战场州也被称为摇摆州或紫州。Battleground states are also known as sway states or purple states.

经常,学生会结合在一起试图从战场从逃出去。Often students will band together to try to escape the Battleground.

现在玩家可以用4大战场的徽记各一个来换取荣誉。Players can now turn in one of each battleground mark for an honor reward.

陈列式广告将成为谷歌和其对手们的下一个战场。And display ads will provide the next battleground between Googleand its foes.

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你可以通过记分板上的一个选项,随时退出战场。You can now exit a battleground from an option on the scoreboard at all times.

不要把用餐时间变成战场——现在,当她长到2岁的时候,或者永远。Don't make mealtime into a battleground — now, when she's 2 years old, or ever.

“问题的关键这项法律该如何落实成为任何人都要遵守的规则,”苏利文说。“The battleground will be how this law is translated into regulation,” says Sullivan.

问题是,我们制造了一种更深层次的冲突,一个内心的战场。The problem is, a on a deeper level we have created a conflict, an internal battleground.

人类语言的研究,是各种人性理论的重要领域The study of human language has been the battleground over different theories of human nature.

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如果您在开发软件,那么您就是身处战场,需要知道如何保护您自己。If you develop software, you're in a battleground and you need to learn how to defend yourself.

宠物的高度度将在离开战场后正确回满。Pet happiness will be restored correctly to the full amount when resurrecting in a battleground.

但是战场被树木被遮挡,在小山包上观看战斗的人群只能看到一点点战场的情形。But the battleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.