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柏拉图确实是很极端。Plato, of course, is an extremist.

那个行刺者被认为是个极端主义分子。The assassin was adjudged an extremist.

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艾兹哈尔是穆罕默德军极端主义运动的领导人。Azhar is a leader of the Jaish-e-Mohammad extremist movement.

这是一种极端的态度,但没有人可以轻易的争论。This is an extremist attitude but not one that is easily debated.

约翰.布朗是一位废除奴隶制的极端分子,许多人还认为他是一个疯子。He was an antislavery extremist. Many people also considered him a madman.

他说,这名在逃的极端分子教士不断改变他的藏身地。He says the extremist cleric is on the run and keeps changing his locations.

我们不仅谈论'专用'新纳粹或其他极端主义网站在这里。We're not only talking about 'dedicated' Neo-Nazi or other extremist sites here.

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仔细听听,没准我们能听到北美极端脑残分子正在向我们发出呼唤呢。If we listen closely, we may hear the call of the North American extremist loony.

火星跟木星之间形成的四分相显示出在某个程度上,你是个极端主义者。The square formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that in some ways you are an extremist.

有一个右翼极端组织在阿肯色州北部山区建立了一个基地。A right-wing extremist group had established a compound in the mountains of north Arkansas.

我注意到,有时我和大家分享的东西听起来像是对这个系统自吹自擂。I realize that, often, what I share sounds like I'm bucking the system. I'm not an extremist.

在印度,一名印度教极端分子刺杀了精神及政治领袖莫汉达斯·甘地。In India, a Hindu extremist assassinates Mohandas Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader.

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在极端的“厌女”主义者眼中,女人不过是一个应满足男人欲望、给予男人爱与关注的物种或是性别。In the misogynous extremist view, women, as a class and as a sex, owe men sex, love and attention.

埃及一直坚持称国外极端主义组织在这个国家没有立脚点。Egypt has typically insisted that the international extremist group has no foothold in the country.

我们决不允许基地组织及其极端主义盟友们在这里及其周边地区有安身之地。In this region, and beyond, we will tolerate no safe haven for al-Qaida and their extremist allies.

菲律宾调查人员怀疑,恐怖组织伊斯兰团和阿布沙耶夫反政府武装是肇事者。Investigators suspect the al-Qaida-linked Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group may have been involved.

但卡梅伦的言论是对巴基斯坦与极端主义集团之间疑似存在的联系的强烈谴责。But Mr Cameron's words are a strong condemnation of Islamabad's suspected links with extremist groups.

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也许我们会不可避免地认为,他的思想肯定带有极端主义色彩,他肯定毫无疑问地喜欢使用暴力手段。Perhaps inevitably, his views are extremist and his willingness to use deadly violence isn't in doubt.

美国著名脱口秀主持人大卫·莱特曼在受到穆斯林极端分子的恐吓后并没有躲藏起来。David Letterman isn’t hiding in a corner after being named as a target by a user of a Muslim extremist.

如果我们在面临极度挑战时撤退,伊朗人对美国会有什么想法?What would the Iranians think about America if we stepped back in the face of this extremist challenge?