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我是否会追随他的榜样,我是否会活得更正直。Would I follow His example, Would I live more righteously.

其中一位女人正义凛然地点头说。"You see, Joan, " said one of the women, nodding righteously.

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生活不正直,你的朋友也会受影响。Your friends may suffer because you are not living righteously.

反驳她,她说起话来就会义愤填膺。She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.

看哪、必有一王凭公义行政.必有首领藉公平掌权。Behold, a king will reign righteously And princes will rule justly.

我感谢我来自这样一个国家---人们努力着去正直地生活。I am thankful that I come from a country that tries to live righteously.

你当开口按公义判断、为困苦和穷乏的辨屈。Open thy mouth, judge righteously , and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

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医生自以为是地认为雪晴的疼痛是由于精神的原因造成的。The doctor thinks because mental reason is caused, Xue Qing's ache is self- righteously.

提要诗篇第一○一篇是一个誓言,也即大卫王在上帝的面前宣誓并以公义统治上帝的百姓。Psalm 101 is a pledge that king David made before the lord to rule God's people righteously.

没有必要再去感谢他们,因为他们已经在天堂得到了应得的奖赏。There is no need to thank them anymore, as those got their rewards righteously so in heaven.

对于我的遗嘱能如前述公平公正地公布,我深表感激。It is my great appreciation that my will could be announced fairly and righteously as stated.

他现在的乐趣就是见义勇为,每天在家练习打坏人的方法。His present's pleasure is behaves righteously , every day practices in the home to destroy person's method.

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然而,正是它使得这些知识分子自命大众的代言人而理直气壮。However, it is that it makes these intellectuals, the self-proclaimed spokesmen for the public and righteously.

试想,面对不公平竞争,开发商应理直气壮地维护自身和业主的权益。Consider in the face of unfair competition, developers should be righteously defend their own and the interests of owners.

教导我们弃绝不敬虔和属世的情欲,好在今世过自守、公义、敬虔的生活。Training us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in the present age.

在美国,关于阵亡纪念日的演说通常高度赞扬军人的流血牺牲挽救了国家的统一,摧毁了奴隶制度。Yankee Memorial Day orations often righteously claimed the high ground of blood sacrifice to save the Union and destroy slavery.

种族主义是巴尔干外人的通病,而在西方的我们仅仅是观察者,中立,仁爱,合情合理地感到失望。Racism is a disease of the Balkan Other, while we in the West are merely observers, neutral, benevolent and righteously dismayed.

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他们是文明世界的,但现在他们的美德就是去理直气壮的去开膛破肚,这种让人不解的野蛮行径。They are the civilised world, and know themselves to be such by virtue of righteously disembowelling the odd barbarian now and again.

文湘琳见文祥慷慨激昂的样子,吓得有点不知所措。"What is Hollywood culture?" Wen Xianglin saw Wen Xiang had become righteously indignant , and this so alarmed her that she was unsure what to do.

大会授予他们“福建省见义勇为先进群体”荣誉称号,并每人颁发4万元奖励金。The congress awards them "Fujian Province to behave righteously the advanced community" the title of honor, and each person issues 40,000 Yuan bounties.