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提出边坡滚石灾害综合防治的思路。A comprehensive controlling idea of rockfall hazards was presented.

崩坍落石灾害是常见的山区地质灾害之一。Collapse and rockfall is familiar geohazard in the mountainous area.

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崂山区地质灾害及隐患点发育的类型主要是滑坡、崩塌和泥石流。The main geohazard types of this area are landslide, rockfall and debris flow.

岩石崩塌将33名智利矿工困在地下已经整整一个月的时间。It's exactly a month since a rockfall trapped 33 miners deep underground in Chile.

熊猫苑圈舍后山崩塌危岩带是“5·12”地震中发生的一处地质灾害。The rockfall in panda sheds mountain was a geological disaster during "5. 12" earthquake.

在中国境内,这条公路是清一色的柏油路,只是偶尔有山石滚落损坏了公路。In China the road was a pristine strip of asphalt, scarred only by the occasional rockfall.

另一方面落石运动研究成果没有同拦石网系统特点相结合。On the other hand, study of rockfall doesn't comply with the characters of safe net system.

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本文采用信息量统计预测的方法,对崩塌落石进行了区段预测。This paper presents an information statistic method for the regional prediction of landfall and rockfall.

大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide, mudflow and rockfall.

本研究充份肯定钢索网及弹簧的并用具有降低落石动能减少灾害的应用价值。The results of the tests verified the function of rockfall catching net in reducing the kinetic energy of rockfall.

本文介绍了在宝成、黔桂铁路建成的边坡崩塌微机评判系统的主要功能。Two sets of rockfall evaluation system for railway slopes are built in the administrative offices of Baochen and Qiangui railways in China.

目前,国内外有关滚石的理论研究比较薄弱,以致滚石灾害的防治工作受到严重的影响。At present, due to the weakness of theoretical research on rockfall , the prevention and control means of rockfall have been affected badly.

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考虑落石为多边体的非质点刚体,利用刚性的回转运动建立非质点的运动方程式。The rockfall was regarded as a polyhedral, non- particle rigid body, and its motion formula was set up with the revolution motion of rock rigidity.

危岩是我国山地一种主要地质灾害类型,拦石网是近年应用的一种落石柔性被动防护系统。Perilous rock is one of main geologic disasters in mountain area of China. Safe net system is a passive control technique for rockfall in recent years.

经分析及计算得,该边坡整体处于基本稳定状态,但存在崩塌掉块现象。Based on analysis and computation results, the slope is currently overall stable despite the possibility of occurring localised rockfall or rock collapses.

室内落石试验结果和现场落石工程实录验证证明了该算法的有效性和实用性。Case studies on well-documented rockfall records are also presented to show good performance of the method for both homogeneous and non-homogeneous slopes.

在边坡尤其是高陡岩质边坡工程中,崩塌落石灾害已经成为仅次于边坡稳定的研究课题之一。The disaster of rockfall has became one of research subject which is second only to slope stability, particularly in engineering of high and steep rock slope.

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将落石在坡面运动状态归结为跳跃、滚动和滑动,并以危岩起始运动速度作为初始速度,通过分段计算得到落石沿坡面的完整运动路径。Additionally, by classifying the motion of rockfall on slope surface into intersected bouncing, rolling and sliding, the whole trace of rockfall was calculated.

作者设想利用废旧轮胎来发展新型的滚石防护结构,如废旧轮胎拦石网。Therefore, the author thinks of making use of worn-out tires to produce new structure for rockfall restraining, including rockfall restraining net of worn-out tires.

主要介绍山西省汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方冒顶的处理情况,并分析了塌方冒顶的原因,总结了经验教训,为同类工程塌方的预防和处理提供了有益的经验。Treatment for rockfall of F3 fault in spillway tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir is introduced and Cause of collapse is analyzed . Experience is gained for the similar project.