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甜的不加冰,谢谢。Sweetened with no ice, please.

你的茶里加了蜂蜜变甜了。Your tea is sweetened with honey.

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来一碗甜味糙米。Have a bowl of sweetened brown rice.

有些企业提高了奖金额度。Some businesses sweetened the bonus pot.

她那富有感染力的微笑令她显得十分可爱。She was sweetened with her charming smile.

史蒂芬把他敷衍了一番,往后推托了一个星期。Stephen sweetened him up and put him off a week.

你可以蘸上些炼乳。You dip them into this sweetened condensed milk.

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汤剂药物浸剂,比如加糖的大麦汤。A medicinal infusion, such as sweetened barley water.

脾气暴躁的安娜婚后变温柔了。Anna with a hot temper sweetened after getting married.

如果比较喜欢口味甜一点,可以加入葡萄干、蜂蜜或是碎枣。For a sweetened taste, add raisins, honey, or date pieces.

少喝苏打汽水和其他甜饮料,比如冰茶。Drink fewer sodas and other sweetened drinks, like iced tea.

其他特色食品有油条和甜豆浆。Other typical foods include fried sticks and sweetened soymilk.

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而且要降低含糖饮料,红肉和加工过的肉类的摄入量。And low intake of sweetened beverages and red and processed meats.

食用松饼、面包、加糖麦片和果汁则会起到相反的效果。Eating muffins, bread, sweetened cereal and juice does the opposite.

之后把西瓜卷在香草奶酪或者甜椰肉。Then roll it in some vanilla yogurt, sprinkles, or sweetened coconut.

一种薄而脆的饼干,用姜汁调味并加糖蜜使之甜。A flat, brittle cookie spiced with ginger and sweetened with molasses.

它们是在自然条件下变甜的,不含人造调味品或色素。They are naturally sweetened with no artificial flavourings or colours.

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我从来没吃过甜味炼乳,但是这周一定会尝试一下。I have never eaten sweetened condensed milk but I will try some this week.

在一个小碗里,放入等份温水和甜可可粉。In a small bowl, combine equal parts warm water and sweetened cocoa powder.

接着加入甜面酱,加饭酒,砂糖以及酱油略煮。Add in sweetened flour paste, rice wine, sugar and soya sauces Stir briefly.