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她喜欢吃葵花瓜子。She likes sunflower seeds.

这朵向日葵是用西瓜精雕细琢而成。A sunflower made of watermelon.

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这是一袋葵花子。This is a bag of sunflower seeds.

葵花籽油,用来轻抹容器sunflower oil, for brushing the tin

向日葵向着太阳。The sunflower turns towards the sun.

我们称这种花为向日葵。We call this kind of flower sunflower.

葵花子,不论是否破碎。Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken.

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太阳花的微笑只属于太阳。Sunflower smile belongs only to the sun.

那只鸟用喙从向日葵中啄出种子。The bird pecked seeds out of the sunflower.

娇美向日葵,仍然记在心间。The beautiful sunflower is still on my mind.

花生,核桃,杏仁,瓜籽。Peanuts, Walnut, Almond Sliced, Sunflower Seed.

“我就是你们要找的,”一朵金色的向日葵说到。“I am what you need, ” said a golden sunflower.

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期待向日葵花田给我的温暖。I look forward to the warmth of Sunflower Hanada.

每一朵向日葵笑脸明媚的背后。Each a sunflower smiling face beautiful behind it.

一只大黄蜂正在一株亚利桑那向日葵上吸取花蜜。A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower.

此外,葵花子也是瓜子中的佼佼者。In addition, sunflower seeds are also in the crowd.

种仁,如葵花籽或南瓜籽,是不错的选择。Seeds, such as sunflower or pumpkin, are an option.

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那这种油葵结下来的籽肯定特别好吃。I guess such sunflower seeds must be very delicious.

这就是向日葵之念咖啡杯系列。"The sunflower in love" is Ancap's new Edizione Espresso.

但当葵花分开后,德川终将怒气发泄出来。But when sunflower separated, tokugawa will anger let out.