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敢动一动,我灭了你。Make one move and I'll exterminate you!

这种喷剂能消灭白蚁。This spray will exterminate the termites.

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我们可以用杀虫药剂灭虫。We can exterminate insects with an insecticide.

必须端掉锯木厂边的哨所。It is necessary to exterminate the post at the sawmill.

消灭动物,就是在消灭人类自己。Exterminate animal, be Be exterminating mankind oneself.

啄木鸟能消灭躲在树里的害虫。Woodpeckers can exterminate insect pests hiding in trees.

纳粹曾计划把犹太种族消灭干净。There was a plan to exterminate the race, " Eisenman says."

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有些人在植物上喷撒毒剂以杀死花园内的昆虫。Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.

我必从万民中剪除你,使你从万国中败亡。I will cut you off from the nations and exterminate you from the countries.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

在下一个房间内消灭蜘蛛,接着去左方的房间。Exterminate spider in the next room, immediately after go to the room of left.

很多次,上帝恐吓要根绝他们,但是摩西都设法劝阻了。There are several times when God threatens to exterminate them, but Moses manages to dissuade him.

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消灭罪障,平安吉祥,事事顺利,造福后世。Exterminate the sin, peaceful happiness, the everything is smooth, bringing benefit to the descendant.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。With her assistant Yayoi Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。With her assistant Yayoi Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

对化石的研究表明,历史上曾发生过5次大规模的物种灭绝。The fossil research Indicated that, there were once 5 times large-scale species to exterminate in history.

作为人类,你需要比小强狡猾,用各种不同方法来消灭他们。As a human being, you need to be craftier than cockroaches and use an assortment of ways to exterminate them.

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孩子,如果中国有100架好驱逐机和100名优秀飞行员,他们就会消灭日本空军。Boy, if the Chinese only had 100 good pursuit planes and 100 fair pilots, they'd exterminate the Jap air force!

40年前参与发明个人计算机的他可能是主要参与消除它的人。The man who helped create the personal computer 40years ago is probably the leading candidate to help exterminate it.

帕尔帕廷身居高位,不断攫取权力,一手策划了克隆人战争等事件以赶尽杀绝绝地。In his position of increasing power, Palpatine was manipulating events such as the Clone Wars to exterminate the Jedi.