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很难再让人啧啧称奇。It's hard to say "gee whiz" anymore.

好,一言为定。你说什么时候动身吧。All right—it's a whiz. When do you say?

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他们蹲在角落里或在轿车呼啸而过大街上吃饭。They eat crouched in corners or on the street as cars whiz by.

前往美国乔治亚州奥克弗诺基沼泽的路上,路旁的树飞逝而过。Trees whiz by on the way to the Okefenokee swamp, Georgia, U. S.

但是我没有让他变成一个风风火火的孩子。But I didn't have anything to do with turning him into a whiz kid.

找一个认识的安全高手,请他攻击您的应用程序。Find the smartest security whiz you know, and ask him to break into your application.

头顶上,高高的枝叶间,响起子弹掠过的嗖嗖声和葡萄炮弹的嘎嘎声,打破了他的美梦。A whiz and rattle of grapeshot among the branches high above his head roused him from his dream.

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数学专家建议了一个应用于信用风险的统计公式,随后就是金融市场崩盘。Math whiz proposed applying this statistical formula to credit risk, and financial meltdown ensued

比尔.盖茨现在是受人尊敬的企业家和慈善家,也不再是当年那个电脑神童了。Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthropist, and is no longer a computer whiz kid.

麦卡锡是一个掌控一切具有大师水准的游戏奇才,每隔几页他就变换一下故事场景和情节。He's a whiz with the joystick, a master-level gamer who changes screens and situations every few pages.

如果在房间里没有人听到你在激动地惊叫,那么这些惊人的技术又有什么用呢?。What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz"?

耀明说出困境,在碧姬请求下,必达告诉她认识一位隐世电脑神童。Yao said out of the dilemma in brigitte request, will be up to tell her know a detached computer whiz kid.

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打碎,直到酱料光滑鲜亮为止,尝味,根据需要加入盐,辣椒粉,或是青柠汁。Whiz until shiny and smooth then have a taste and adjust with a bit more salt, chilli or lime juice if needed.

你看,如果不能以每小时一百英里的高速飙过简单的东西,你永远都无法得到进阶的东西。You see, if you can't whiz through the easy stuff at 100 m. p. h. , you're never gonna get the advanced stuff.

梅特卡夫曾经是MIT优等本科生和哈佛研究生,从事计算机以及如何将计算机联网的工作。Metcalfe had been an MIT undergraduate whiz kid and Harvard grad student working on computers and how to network them.

高中期间,她在数学和化学方面表现了惊人的天赋,并在弗莱堡大学轻松取得生物学学位。A high school whiz in math and chemistry, she breezed through an undergraduate biology degree at the University of Freiburg.

不过,该店22岁的巧手技师费雷拉可以帮顾客剃出不同的花样。But customers can get variations on the cut, courtesy of Marcelo Ferreira, the barbershop's 22-year-old "craque" -- or whiz.

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它可以使大多数设备接入互联网,你不需要专门的编程器或下载器,该公司解释道。It can bring most devices online and you don’t need to be a programming or electronics whiz to hook it up, says the company.

安德烈公爵心中想着,他抓起旗杆,高兴地听着想必正是向他射来的子弹的啸声。Prince Andrey thought, seizing the staff of the flag, and hearing with relief the whiz of bullets , unmistakably aimed at him.

摄影记者经常用长镜偷拍在公司试车道上疾驶而过的新型车,这种照片颗粒都很粗。Unlike the grainy, long-distance spy shots that paparazzi regularly take of new models as they whiz around company test tracks.