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上帝保佑黑发尤物。God bless the brunette.

金发,黑发还是红发?Blonde, brunette or red-head?

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“我一直抖个不停,”一位棕发美眉说。“I’m still vibrating,” the brunette said.

一个金发女郎,一个棕发女郎和一个红发女郎被困在沙漠里。A blonde, brunette and redhead are in a desert.

这样玛里琳把她的黑褐色头发染成了金发碧眼。So Marilyn dyed her brunette hair to a golden blonde.

黑发女孩,恵春香,尖叫声在严苛方式。Brunette girl, Megumi Haruka, screams in harsh manners.

一天早晨,一位黑人女人和一位金发女郎正走在公园里。A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park one morning.

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一个黑发女子走在乡间的路上,突然发现地上有个瓶子并捡了起来。A brunette is walking through the country, when she finds a bottle.

火红色、引人注目的金黄色、或经典的深褐色,哪一个最适合您?Fiery red, bombshell blonde, or classic brunette —which suits you best?

如果你符合以下内容中的两条或两条以上,那深褐色可能就是您最好的选择If at least two of the following apply to you, you are probably best brunette

本周二,22岁的丹尼尔与一位浅黑肤色美女在街头漫步。Daniel, 22, was seen strolling hand in hand with the pretty brunette on Tuesday.

目前正在布朗大学读书的爱玛还透露了自己有多享受校园生活,“我念书都非常用功,这是有用的,我非常的喜欢这样。”The brunette beauty also spoke about how much she is enjoying student life at Brown University.

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这就像金发和黑发女性——我都爱,但她们具有不同的气质。Itis like the blonde and the brunette women—I love them both,but both havedifferent temperaments.

最后,棕褐头发的到了以后6小时,黄头发的爬上了岸,完全精疲力竭。Lastly, 6 hours after the brunette had arrived, the blonde clambers on shore, absolutely exhausted.

我给人的第一眼印象是一个5尺4寸的很自然的中等身材的浅黑肤色的女人,金色挑染的头发,体重大约是130磅。For a quick visual, I’m a 5′4″ natural medium brunette with blond highlights and I weigh about 130lbs.

罗宾逊说,定型剂使头发失去光泽的速度比其他任何东西都快。Nothing takes the sheen off shiny brunette strands faster than dousing them with hairspray, says Robinson.

乔治·克鲁尼又有了市场。这次,他和一位有着深色皮肤的意大利女人联系在了一起,这位女士看上去是他热衷的类型。George Clooney is offer the market again. This time, he's been linked to an Italian brunette who seems his type.

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索尼娅是个体态纤长的黑发女孩,目前就读于巴黎美术学院,因为害怕报复,索尼娅不愿意透露自己的真实姓名。Sonia wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. She is a slender young brunette studying at art college in Paris.

列车一路停站多多,在一次停站时,他看着上上下下的旅客,最后把目光落在一个漂亮的浅黑色皮肤的姑娘身上。At one of the numerous station stops, he eyed the passengers getting on and off before fixing on an attractive brunette.

那个黑发女孩唱完之后,他按了一下按钮就让我过去了,好像我是什么重要人物似的。And then, while the pretty brunette girl finished singing her verse, he buzzed me through like I was someone who mattered.