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小蜜蜂欧芹草本抗痘露。Burt's Bees Parsley Blemish Stick.

那个黑痣是他脸上的缺点。That mole is a blemish on his face.

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就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。So they flew thasperous a blemish in the flue.

只憾她拈花一笑去了波斯。Only blemish she came to spend a smile to the Persian.

经常地使用它能使你有一个光滑的、干净的、无瑕疵的自由肌肤。Use it regularly to find a smooth clear blemish free skin.

虎克·伊格尔思太太是个品德高尚的女人。Mrs. Hook Eagles was a woman without a blemish in her character.

这一部分赏心悦目的花儿真美,它们没有一处瑕疵。These blessed fdowns were perfect. They don't HAs a pernal blemish.

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悲伤也有营养,疼痛让我了解缺陷美。Sadness also has nutrition, let me understand blemish beauty sorely.

该方法可以快速有效地处理大部分桩头缺陷的问题。That method can handle the problem of a blemish quickly and availably.

这些赏心悦目的花儿真美,它们没有一处瑕疵。These blessed flowers were perfect. They didn’t have a single blemish.

但事实是,它们几个小时就没了,而我的皮肤完好无缺。But really, within a few hours, the blemish is gone. And my skin is fine.

我现在也在用它,它使我的皮肤很柔软,并且不会让我长痘痘。I'm using it now and it has made my skin soft and supple and blemish free.

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他们就不必忍受过去的污点。That they would not be required to bear the blemish of that “stinking” past.

玻璃太过于光亮,只要有很小的污点,就显得整面玻璃脏兮兮的。Glass too bright, as long as a small blemish on the whole face looked dirty glass.

PPG商业模式的成功与缺陷,也引发越来越多的思考。The success of PPG trade pattern and blemish , also cause more and more reflection.

乃是凭着基督的宝血,如同无瑕疵无玷污的羔羊之血。But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot

适合成熟、老化、皱纹、干燥鳞片状肌肤、头皮屑、伤口愈合。也是湿疹、瑕疵、婴儿屡布疹的最佳保养油。It takes the good care of eczema and blemish and suit for mature, aging and dry skin.

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桑雅生是人类的导师,他们的生活应当完全没有瑕疵。The sannyasis are teachers of men, and their lives should be totally free from blemish.

是在利用人们的直觉和世俗感觉来抹黑大豆色拉油。It uses people's instinct and ignorant of science to try to blemish Soya Bean Salad Oil.

不要回避公园的洒水器,它们不会弄脏你的裙子,只会让其闪闪发光。Don't avoid the garden sprinklers, they won't blemish your dress but add a sparkle to it instead.