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大牛,像你这么个拍法。Daniel, if you pat the bisque like that.

蟹肉沙拉配虾酱,放在鳄梨泥上。Crab Salad with Avacado and Bisque Jelly.

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我这是给泥坯的内侧定型。I am fixing the inner shape of the bisque.

哦,一个不错的泥或浓汤也好的!Oh, a nice puree or bisque would be nice too.

龙虾是用不同的,例如,在汤,浓汤或龙虾卷。Lobster is used variously, for example in soup, bisque or lobster rolls.

电窑烧成浓汤是上釉前先发射。An electric pottery kiln bisque firing is the first firing before glazing.

了解使用技巧浓汤洁具从主波特在这片自由的陶瓷视频。Learn about bisque ware pieces with tips from a master potter in this free ceramics video.

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我们提供在一定数量的颜色的这些水槽染黑,素瓷,骨头和一定数量其他。We provide these sinks in a number of colors- black, bisque , bone and a number of others.

阴离子交换膜在金电解造液过程中的技术指标,其优于素烧坩埚金电解造液技术指标。The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte bisque firing crucible process.

当她收到了坏掉的素烧陶磁娃娃时,她整整实验了两年,才知道如何修复它。When she received the broken bisque doll, she experimented for two years before she was able to repair it.

阴离子交换膜在金电解造液过程中的技术指标,其优于素烧坩埚金电解造液技术指标。The indexes were compared with those ones in gold electrolyte preparation with bisque firing crucible process.

蒂姆·安德森的BBC大厨比赛的冠军,制定了螃蟹浓汤盘测试该系统的效能。Tim Anderson, winner of the BBC Master Chef competition, developed a crab bisque dish to test the system's capabilities.

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在我的家,一顿好质量的美国饭从自制的酸辣沙司汁浇在新鲜蔬菜沙拉上开始,接着是一个龙虾浓卷饼。In my family, a good quality American meal starts with a fresh' green salad with homemade vinai-grette sauce followed by lobster bisque.

晚餐的美味菜肴让人又是一顿饱餐,食品有鹅肝馄饨、海鲜蛋奶酥配龙虾浓菜汤和果仁奶油拌水果。Dinner, by now a triumph of gluttony over appetite, offered further treats, including goose liver wonton, seafood soufflé with lobster bisque and macadamia fool.

中国军官登上了美军的这艘指挥舰,在聚餐时还向美军军官暗送秋波,菜品有番茄浓汤和鸡肉铁板三明治。Chinese officers toured the hulking commandship, docked in the southern province of Guangdong, and eyed up their UScounterparts over a lunch of tomato bisque and chicken paninis.