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会陷你于更难堪的痛苦。Would scourge thee to severer pangs.

天花曾是世界的大患。Smallpox was once the scourge of the world.

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打不倒的皇帝继续蹂躏苍生。Unabated, the Emperor continued his scourge.

开展禁毒斗争,消除毒品祸害。Anti-drug struggle, eliminate the drug scourge.

恐怖主义是破坏稳定的社会公害。Terrorism is a scourge that undermines stability.

大象Jumbo——大西洋两岸关系之殇Jumbo the elephant, scourge of transatlantic relations

超级细菌是世界各地医院的杀手。SUPERBUGS have become the scourge of hospitals worldwide.

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难道战争的祸害不大于暴动的灾难吗?Is war less of a scourge than an uprising is of a calamity?

他们也是人,并非洪水猛兽和瘟神。They are human beings, not a scourge and the god of plague.

向天灾复仇是减轻你痛苦的独一方法。Vengeance on the Scourge is the only way to ease your pain.

令人苦恼的青少年暴力事件,在男女青少年中同样会发生。The plague of teen violence is an equal-opportunity scourge.

我发誓过我会看到你与天谴军的灭亡!I swore that I would see you dead and the Scourge dismantied!

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班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身。Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.

愿菩提心常在,消解愚昧之灾难。MayBodhichitta flourish, and dissolve the scourge of ignorance.

班固曾把经学研究这个特点视为“大患”。Ban Gu once made by the study of this feature as a "scourge of the."

无止尽的天灾军团对这个世界的挟制会越来越大。The restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.

阿提拉和“祸害上帝”已在同一时间被认为是同义词。Attila and "scourge of God" have at one time been considered synonyms.

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天花可能是袭击美洲的最大的一个灾祸。Smallpox was probably the single biggest scourge to hit North America.

我赞赏您为打击恐怖主义这一祸患提供的帮助与合作。I applaud your help and cooperation in fighting the scourge of terrorism.

若忽然遭杀害之祸,他必戏笑无辜的人遇难。If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent.