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能容纳4个原子成键。CH4 is sp3 carbon hybridization.

我们碳是sp3杂化。We have carbon, sp3 hybridization.

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就是甲烷的杂化。He did some hybridization of methane.

在自然环境中确有杂交现象发生。Hybridization does occur naturally in the wild.

原位杂交组织化学技术。In situ hybridization histochemical techniques.

因为这些猪两天就可以配种一次。Because of these pigs two days OK hybridization.

同时全部血清做了斑点杂交对照检测。All subjects were detected by spot hybridization.

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甲烷看起来就是sp3杂化的。Methane looks like this with the sp3 hybridization.

方法G418筛选,DNA分子班点杂交。Methods G418 filtration and DNA blot hybridization.

过滤层析和杂交用耗材。Filtration chromatogram and hybridization consumables.

方法免疫细胞化学和原位杂交技术。Methods Immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization.

让我们考虑一下氧的杂化。So let's switch to thinking about oxygen hybridization here.

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差减阳性克隆的斑点杂交。Differential DNA dot hybridization of subtractive cDNA clones.

目的为了使液相杂交检测更加灵敏、特异、快速。Objective To make liquid-phase hybridization assay more rapid.

杂交技术也被用于改良酵母菌株。Hybridization is also used for the improvement of yeast strains.

在3号,6号染色体双三体上共有6个杂交位点。In the double trisomic 3,6, six hybridization sites were detected.

这是碳,杂化的什么样的?So it's going to be carbon, and then what's the hybridization here?

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原位杂交证实了放射自显影结果。In situ hybridization for Y1 mRNA confirmed the autoradiography results.

这正是所谓核酸分子杂交的,物理化学反应的基础Now this is the basis of a physical chemistry process called hybridization.

植物远缘杂交是作物育种中广泛应用的技术。Wide hybridization is a most widely used technique in crop breeding programs.