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我大部分时间是在奥克兰大学度过的。I spend most of my time in Oakland.

奥克兰和伯克利。是的。So like Oakland and Berkeley. Yeah.

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所以实际上过去四年是在奥克兰。actually in Oakland for the past 4 years.

奥克兰市的市长简.全也到医院看望了斯科特.欧勒森。Oakland Mayor Jean Quan also came to visit Olsen.

奥克兰大学位于新西兰北岛的奥克兰市。Oakland university in New Zealand north island, Oakland.

学校在奥克兰市中心及北岸设有2个校区。Schools in Oakland center and north shore sets up 2 campus.

可你那鞋底太薄,离北奥克兰很远就会破的。They're that thin they'll bu'st long before you git out to North Oakland.

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老穆说他预期星期天在奥克兰投球。Mussina said that he expects to casually throw off a mound Sunday in Oakland.

他们是奥克兰运动队的。这是第一个垒手。这是一个投手。They're the Oakland Athletics. This is the first baseman, and this is a pitcher.

奥克兰警方逮捕了19名早些时候参与一系列袭击事件的人。Police in Oakland detaining 19 people arrested in a series of early morning raids.

我是在奥克兰的康特拉科斯塔开始干活的,那时才十一岁,把东西抖散,为进热轧滚筒作准备。Began in the Contra Costa in Oakland when I was eleven, shakin' out for the mangle.

早餐后他把打字机装进盒里,送下了奥克兰。After breakfast he put the type-writer in its case and carried it down into Oakland.

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我觉得这里的氛围跟奥克兰有很大的不同。And I see a big difference between the atmosphere here and the atmosphere in Oakland.

在星期三晚上,占领奥克兰的示威者又一次聚集在了市广场。As of Thursday night, Occupy Oakland protesters re-occupied the plaza in front of City Hall.

奥克兰委员会曾提议采用英语和“黑人英语”相的双语教学,呼吁社会资金捐助。The Oakland board called for public money to fund "bilingual" education in English and Ebonics.

奥克兰委员会曾提议采用英语和“黑人英语”相结合的双语教学,呼吁社会进行资金捐助。The Oakland board called for public money to fund “bilingual” education in English and Ebonics.

一艘900英尺的集装箱货船停泊到了奥克兰港,卡车和吊车马上投入了运作。Trucks and cranes spring into action as a 900-foot container ship docks at the Port of Oakland.

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美国加利福尼亚西部的一座城市,在奥克兰东北偏北。建于859年。人口77,2。A city of western California north-northeast of Oakland. It was founded in 859. Population, 77,2.

在九楼郭培炎的实验室里,有三套设备准备扫描奥克兰送来的DNA样本。At Dr. Kwok’s ninth-floor lab, three sets of robots prepare the DNA samples shipped from Oakland.

我在奥克兰的大都会旅馆等他,他见到了好奶牛场是能鉴别的。I'll be stopping at the Metropole down in Oakland. He'll know a good milk- ranch when he sees one.