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新清肝饮可预防该模型AFL的发生。NQGD can prevent the occurrence of AFL in this model.

冈帕斯领导的劳联没有站在罢工者一边,这座钢厂在后来的40年间一直没有工会。Gompers’s AFL would not take the strikers’ side, and the plant remained non-union for 40 years.

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1955年劳联和产联终于联合为“劳联—产联”,成为全国最大的工会组织。In 1955, the AFL and the CIO merged, becoming the AFL-CIO -- the nation's largest labor organization.

1924年龚帕斯去世之后,威廉-格林作为一名折中人物当选为劳联主席。After Gompers' death in 1924 , William Green was elected president of the AFL as a compromise candidate.

1952年,劳联和产联的领导人威廉-格林和菲利普-莫雷先后去世,两派之间的一个障碍也就随之消失。In 1952, one obstacle disappeared when the leaders of the AFL and the CIO, William Green and Philip Murray, both died.

因此,预备和食用所有树上的果,所有地�的草,所有动物的奶,这些都适合食用。Wherefore, prepare and eat all fruits of trees, and all grasses of the fields, and afl milk of beasts good for eating.

以该法为基础的铀矿加工流程将可成为我国新一代铀水冶基本流程之一。The uranium ore processing technology based on the AFL process will become one of the new basic technologies of uranium hydrometallurgy.

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而在接下来的数月中,澳式足球联盟将全力培养坚实的球迷基础,备战这场即将在历史悠久的江湾体育场上演的赛事。And in the next coming months the AFL will be working hard to create a solid fan base to fill the historic Jiangwan stadium for the match.

威廉•格林去世后担任劳联主席的乔治•米尼成了这一新劳工组织的主席。George meany who had been president of the afl from the time of william green's death assumed the presidency of the newly formed labor organization.

冈帕斯在工会运动兴起之初的动荡岁月担任劳联领导人,在其任内美国劳工组织为自己界定了独特的角色。Gompers’s leadership of the AFL during the turbulent birth of the union movement defined the unique role of labor organizations in the United States.

但澳式足球联盟决心通过一场年底定于上海的比赛,藉两支澳大利亚劲旅交锋之机,着手营建其在中国的球迷基础。However the AFL is determined to start building a fan base, with a match between two premier Australian teams scheduled for Shanghai later this year.

霍索恩自2001年起每个赛季有2至5场比赛武装部队,2003年至2006年和圣基尔达足球俱乐部打了两场比赛。Hawthorn has played between two and five AFL matches each season since 2001, and the St Kilda Football Club played two games a year between 2003 and 2006.

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浓酸熟化-高铁淋滤浸出法对我国铀矿石具有很强的适应性,是一种可与常规搅拌浸出法相竞争的粗粒矿石提取技术。And the AFL process has a wide applicability to China's uranium ores, being in competition with the traditional agitation leaching process for treating coarse ores.