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他是一个恶魔,也是一股邪恶势力。He's a demonic spirit. He's a satanic force.

他是一个恶魔,也是一股邪恶势力。He’s a demonic spirit. He’s a satanic force.

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邪恶的兽族宇宙人被送往宇宙为燃烧军团而战。Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion.

他们是天使或魔鬼。These are some kind of angelic beings or demonic beings.

恶魔的势力已经使用了我们自己的高塔和栅栏来对抗我们了。Demonic forces have been using our own towers and barricades against us.

他后来就把精神病学和心理学描绘成恶魔般的竞争对手。he subsequently portrayed psychiatry and psychology as demonic competitors.

独眼巨人通常有十尺以上的身高,看上去像恶魔远多过像人类。Cyclops often measure more than 10 feet tall, and they definitely look more demonic than human.

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马席夫和他的船可以停在此处,免得我们不小心把一些偷渡的恶魔带到其他的大陆上。Meshif and his vessel should remain here, lest we risk taking demonic stowaways to other lands.

心上人不给我打电话,电话成了她魔手中的一件刑具。The telephone becomes an instrument of torture in the demonic hands of a beloved who doesn't ring.

这些恶魔般的暴行已经在王国西部及很多地区的庇护所发生。These demonic atrocities have been seen in many regions of Sanctuary and within the Western Kingdoms.

泰兰德和她的战士明白如果想要打败这个恶魔军团她们必须找到所有的帮助。Tyrande and her warriors knew they would need all the help they could get to defeat the demonic army.

布莱特得到奥斯卡金像奖的最佳剧本,事实上是根据被魔鬼附身的真实事件。Blatty's Oscar-award-winning screenplay was, in fact, based on a real-life case of demonic possession.

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然而,在旅途中,莉莉斯的兄弟鲁西安使尤迪西安意识到莉莉斯的恶魔本性。However, along the way Uldyssian was made aware of Lilith's true demonic nature by her brother Lucion.

他们将为他们的举动辩护,贬低和嘲笑每一个说它们的举动有罪或是邪恶的人。They will justify their behavior, belittle and mock anyone who says their behavior is sinful or demonic.

此时的莫莉对林午阳恶魔般的心性已经感到深深的厌恶,表示自己无论如何都不会被林午阳利用。When Molly to Lin Wu Yang demonic heart already felt deeply disgust, said he would not be Lin Wu anyway Yang.

将允许术士在地面上划出壹个环,并能在之后使用另壹个法术传送到这个环中。Demonic Circle will allow warlocks to scribe a circle in the ground to teleport to it later with another spell.

萨格拉斯从强大的埃瑞达恶魔中挑选了两名勇士来领导他那邪恶的毁灭势力。From the ranks of the powerful Eredar, Sargeras picked two champions to command his demonic army of destruction.

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为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化,萨尔禁止兽人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy.

神的灵在聚会里掌权,许多人灵里得著复兴,也有人从各样的捆绑中得著释放。The Spirit of God took control and many were spiritually revived while others were set free from demonic bondages.

很久以前,暗夜精灵巫师伊利丹为阻挡入侵艾泽拉斯的燃烧军团而打入军团内部。Long ago, the night elf sorcerer Illidan infiltrated the demonic Burning Legion to ward off its invasion of Azeroth.