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我是我自己的弗兰肯斯坦。I am my own Frankenstein.

他想装成怪物或吸血鬼。He wants to be Frankenstein or a vampire.

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克隆人——自毙还是创造完美?Is Cloning Human Frankenstein or Pygmalion?

仿佛弗兰肯斯坦还会活过来。It was as if Frankenstein would come alive.

甚至可以说,他是个作法自毙的人。Can even say that he is a Frankenstein people.

电影以一个和谐的弗兰肯斯坦式的场景开始。It begins as a benevolent version of the Frankenstein story.

对于莱特来说,制作游戏的过程也是扮演弗兰肯斯泰因过程。For Wright, playing geek Frankenstein goes hand in hand with making games.

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雀瑞罗斯在周二表示整起事件就像是科学怪人电影情节。It was like something out of a Frankenstein movie, " Cherie Rose said Tuesday."

某位康拉德领主迪佩尔·冯·弗兰肯斯坦曾在16世纪住在这传奇城堡之中。A certain Lord Konrad Dippel von Frankenstein once inhabited this legendary castle in the 16th century.

他们招募美国神枪手和维克多博士帮助他们发现身边的人。They recruit an American sharpshooter and Dr. Victor Frankenstein to help them find someone close to them.

首批对天然奶酪进行工业化改造的人中,有瑞士的沃尔特·嘉宝和弗里茨·斯泰特勒。Walter Gerber and Fritz Stettler of Switzerland were among the first to play Dr. Frankenstein with cheese.

更多关于房地美和房利美以及30年期抵押贷款,请听我们的播客“自毙的抵押贷款”。For more on Fannie and Freddie and the 30-year mortgage, listen to our podcast, "The Frankenstein Mortgage."

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在把死肉变成生命后,维克多.弗兰肯斯坦用孤独来谴责他所造的生物。After cloistering himself to bring dead flesh to life, Victor Frankenstein condemns his creature to loneliness.

那个在实验室里设法制造弗兰肯斯泰因的疯狂的科学家的卡通人物清楚地体现了公众的这种怀疑。This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.

自然被崇拜,而像弗兰肯斯坦这样代表科学和文雅的人被描绘得极端冷酷。Nature is idolized, while characters like Dr Frankenstein who represent science and urbanity are depicted as uniformly cruel.

一个常被误解的发明家以及教育家,人生路走来,崎岖坎坷,还被误灌科学怪人的绰号!An often-misunderstood inventor and educator, which has hard life path, was given a nickname called Science Freak Frankenstein.

但拍完一天的戏,我洗完脸卸完妆以后,再看看自己的脸,好像看到了可怕的科学怪人。When I washed my face and took my makeup off at the end of the day, there was some sort of horrible Frankenstein staring back at me.

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她给她最受欢迎的选手“人形怪物“予以鼓励,因为他带了一个狰狞的面具以遮住可以想像的毁伤——用针缝合的伤口。She dubs her most popular racer Frankenstein because he wears a hideous mask to cover supposedly mutilated, stitched-together features.

这部做作影片中的女吸血鬼奥德特由吉娜.戴维斯扮演,影片讲述了一对小报记者前往特兰斯瓦尼亚寻找弗兰肯斯坦时遇到的故事。Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.

在下周的专访里,我希望我能清楚的讲述库伯对他所开辟的世界做了些什么—尽管他一度觉得自己像弗兰肯斯坦博士。In next Sunday's column, I hope to be able to tell you what Cooper makes of the new world he ushered in-- whether he ever feels like Dr. Frankenstein.