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我觉得这确实出人意外。I find it really surprising.

他的发现令人惊讶。What he found was surprising.

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结果是令人惊讶的。And the results were surprising.

他们的身材高大得惊人。It's surprising how big they are.

那是个让人意外的结果That's a pretty surprising result.

Fath的安拉的故事也就不足为奇了。Fath Allah's story is not surprising.

从某种层面上来讲这毫不足奇。On one level, this is not surprising.

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这么想倒也不奇怪。It isn't surprising we think this way.

但是有更令人惊奇的其它发现。But other findings were more surprising.

它们渴望逃脱就不足为奇了。It's not surprising they want to escape.

就算六个月大的婴儿也会对此感到惊奇Even six-month-olds find this surprising.

俄罗斯队也受到热烈欢迎,这比较奇怪。So did Russia, which was more surprising.

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答案并不意外。The answer is not particularly surprising.

这并不令人惊讶There's nothing too surprising about that.

他个子虽小但力大惊人。For a small man he has surprising strength.

他弹奏钢琴神乎其技。He plays the piano with surprising facility.

真令人吃惊,他竟是那么愚蠢。It's surprising that he shall be so foolish.

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在这篇文章中你能找到一些令人惊奇的发现HBR puts some surprising findings to the test

她个子虽小但力大惊人。For a small woman she has surprising strength.

咖啡可以协助肝脏排毒。Coffee will detox your liver in surprising ways.