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你们在银幕上怎么演那种情谊?How did you recreate that bond on screen?

他们以打桥牌作消遣。They recreate themselves with playing bridge.

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现在我们在脑子里再过一遍这个程序。So now let me recreate this program from memory.

柳芭可以帮助科学家重新创造出长毛象这一灭绝的物种吗?Could Lyuba help scientists recreate her lost kin?

更改它的惟一办法是重新创建此表。The only way to change it is to recreate the table.

1879年,雷赛布试图在巴拿马再造辉煌。In 1879 de Lesseps tried to recreate his success in Panama.

在删除了之后,您就不能重新创建这些标签了。You cannot recreate these tags after they have been deleted.

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我试图诗意地还原我们初遇的故事。I tried to poetically recreate the story of our first encounter.

若要重新初始化该订阅内容,必须放弃它,然后重新创建。To reinitialize this subscription, you must drop and recreate it.

不要按照记忆重塑黑甜乡。十足想像出全新的场景。Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places!

闭上眼睛,试着在脑海里描绘出他的模样。Close your eyes and try to recreate his or her visage in your mind.

用它的所有回滚段重新创建回滚表空间。Recreate the rollback tablespace with all of its rollback segments.

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这些枕头能让你在自己家里再造出一条布鲁克林大街。These pillows allow you to recreate a Brooklyn street in your home.

球的新的物理性能精准地再现球的反弹,滑动和上旋。New ball physics accurately recreate bouncing, skidding and topspin.

它要重现印度神话中的米拉山——印度人的天堂。It was to recreate in Hindu mythology the Mount Mira, the Hindu Heaven.

它要重现印度神话中的米拉山——印度人的天堂。It was to recreate in Hindu mythology the Pitch grating, the Hindu Heaven.

所以有一次,他们试图重新建立苹果拥有的生态系统。So again, they’re basically trying to recreate the ecosystem that Apple has.

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同样,这使你能够重新构建旧版本的软件。Again, this makes it possible to recreate previous releases of your software.

在警卫室,Michael继续尝试着凭着记忆来重绘那段地图。In the guard room, Michael continues to try and recreate the map from memory.

试着在所有的站立体式中去再现山式的平衡感。Try to recreate the balanced sensation of Tadasana in all the standing poses.