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骑士一跃而跨坐鞍上。The jockey vaulted into the saddle.

他来到大门前,一跃而过。He came to the gate and vaulted over.

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她一跃跳过大门。He vaulted over the gate at a single leap.

他用手支撑着大门,很容易就跳过去了。He put his hand on the gate and vaulted it easily.

杯水的上部应该是凹面的。The water surface in the cup is slightly vaulted upward.

恢弘的拱形天花板耸立在门厅内。The enormous vaulted ceiling welcomes you into the foyer.

很多房屋是建造在山脊上、层层叠叠的拱形窑洞。Many are vaulted cave homes built tier upon tier on ridges.

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半圆壁,弧形窗在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或。A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof.

内部装修则是在1444年完成,并于1461年完成拱形穹顶。The interior was completed in 1444 and the dome was vaulted in 1461.

在至关重要的摇摆州份,如佛罗里达州,奥巴马也处于领先地位。He also vaulted over his rival in vital swing states, such as Florida.

这让他得以与李宗伟在决赛上相遇。This vaulted him into the finals where he was set to meet Lee Chong Wei.

大宴会厅的面积达577平方米,它拥有拱形天花板,环境豪华。The stylish grand ballroom offers 577 sq feet of space and vaulted ceilings.

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中国如何跃至制造,贸易和技术的前沿?How has China vaulted to the forefront in manufacturing, trade and technology?

原因,现在许多新房子都有大而开放的厨房拱形的屋顶。For that reason, many new homes now have big, open kitchens and vaulted ceilings.

近年来科赫兄弟逐渐成为美国政治的聚焦中心。The Koch brothers have vaulted into the American political spotlight in recent years.

光线从屋顶滤过,美丽的拱形遮棚超过七米高。The light filters through a roof with beautiful vaulted sheds more than 7 meters high.

一会儿工夫艾勒跑过桥头,翻过栏杆,跑向河岸。In an instant Earl ran across the bridge, vaulted the fence and ran to the water's edge.

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此房产还设有一个附属车库,车库可停放两辆车,采用雪松木墙壁和拱形天花板。The property also has an attached two-car garage with cedar walls and a vaulted ceiling.

在生锈的粗铁栅栏后面,可以清楚地看到一种有拱顶的阴暗长廊。Beyond the heavy, rusty iron bars, a sort of dark and vaulted corridor could be descried.

詹姆跳下“荣誉”,大步迈进布雷肯的帐篷,腰上的配剑在剑鞘里发出金属碰撞的声响。Jaime vaulted down off Honor and strode to Bracken's tent, his sword rattling in its scabbard.