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是今天我们认为的归化。what we think of today as naturalization.

他们拒盔了他的褥籍申请。They rejected petition for naturalization.

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这是一种归化过程。It was sort of a process of naturalization.

我们遏止了移民归化手续费的上涨。And we’ve stemmed the increases in naturalization fees.

配偶的出生证明或入籍美国的证明Spouse's birth certificate or Naturalization certificate

归化处理可以言简意赅、明了简洁。Try to be concise and naturalization processing, clear concise.

入境测试测试中的阅读和写作部分重新制定。The reading and writing parts of naturalization test have also been redone.

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祖父的归化证书此刻就挂在我的办公室墙上。My grandfather's naturalization certificate hangs on the wall in my chambers.

法律自然化是中国传统法律化的又一重要特征。Another important feature of the traditional law of China is its naturalization.

杜肯在28岁的时候已经准备好了,等待着入籍的那一天。Duncan, 28, has been ready and waiting for the Naturalization Day her whole life.

此外还将举行一个入籍仪式,欢迎125人成为美国公民。There will also be a naturalization ceremony welcoming 125 people as U.S. citizens.

从1943年起,美国逐渐取消了对移民和归化的限制。Starting in 1943, immigration and naturalization restrictions gradually were lifted.

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当我们的车穿越麦克阿瑟海湾大道来到迈阿密海滩时,我方觉这才是我真正的入籍仪式。The ride over the MacArthur Causeway to Miami Beach was my real naturalization ceremony.

第五章是“人的自然化”与生态美建设。Chapter Five is "The Naturalization of Humankind" and the establishment of ecological beauty.

在联邦地区法院任法官时,我经常主持归化仪式。When I served as a Federal District Court judge, I performed the naturalization ceremony regularly.

有人提起,园林的本质可以说是自然之人化和人的自然化。It was filed , gardens can be said to be the essence of human nature and the naturalization of people.

今年4月,我们在白宫为一批美国军人举行了入籍仪式。This past April, we held a naturalization ceremony at the White House for members of our armed forces.

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入籍仪式将于当地时间周二下午在德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的联邦法院举行。The naturalization ceremony will take place Tuesday afternoon in a federal courtroom in Brownsville, Texas.

他们还利用一棵老树的树根,为水獭营造出一个可以嬉戏的环境。The use of root systems of an old tree gave the otter a place to play as well as increasing the naturalization.

最后作者从归化、异化角度,分别分析了三种不同对应的解决方式。At last, corresponding methods have been come up with from the perspective of naturalization and foreignization.