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第一项任务是将打底用的油。The first task is to extend the underpainting using oils.

第二个图像是贴近被称为打底。The second image is close to what is called a underpainting.

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他展示他处理过程的每一步骤,从上底色到最终渲染完成。He reveals every step of his process, from underpainting to the finished rendering.

有时也被使用于替半透明的油画制造单色调的画底色。It is sometimes used to produce monotone underpainting for translucent oil colours.

对使用的巨大优势之一,丙烯酸作为石油打底是纹理的发展。One of the great advantages of using acrylic an as underpainting for oil is the development of texture.

通过使用作为打底人所有的石油打底优势,同时也节省了时间的丙烯酸层。By using an acrylic layer as an underpainting one has all the advantage of an oil underpainting while also saving time.

在这第二个三部DVD,太平绅士是通过关键中间建立一个黑白色调打底步骤你。In this second of three DVDs, JP takes you through the crucial middle-step of creating a black and white tonal underpainting.

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通常的方法来画一个石油开始与地方的基本思路和设计工作在恶劣出打底。The usual way to painting an oil begins with the underpainting where the essential ideas and designs are worked out in rough.

黄色底色会让随后的颜色裂开,特别是人物和肖像绘画。A yellow underpainting causes a disruptive effect in judging subsequent colors, particularly with portraits or figurative work.

通常地,一个“底层色”贴图被赋予模型的某个部分甚至是整个模型,这个贴图就是被设置为队伍颜色。Usually, an "underpainting" texture is applied to part of the model or to the entire model, and this texture is set to team color.

在油画这是一个传统工艺画你的画才敲定的打底或画布上的轮廓。In Oil painting it is a traditional technique to paint an underpainting or a rough sketch on the canvas before finalizing your painting.

当你使用这些技术的进步和你会发现,压克力打底,并增加了支持你的深度和光度油画。As you progress and use these techniques you should find that the acrylic underpainting supports and adds depth and luminosity to your oil painting.

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打底也有明显的正通过在它之上的其他釉层,从而影响成品画额外的优势。Underpainting also has the additional advantage of being visible through other glazed layers on top of it and thereby influencing the finished painting.