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胡安不在家么?Juan no está en casa ?

我带着花去他家。Voy a su casa con flores.

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我比较喜欢在家吃饭。Me gusta más comer en casa.

昨天有一位外国人来过我家。Ayer vino a mi casa un extranjero.

我一个人就是不敢待在家里。No me atrevo a estar sola en casa.

这里是卡萨·曼朵扎餐厅。This is the Casa Mendoza restaurant.

你还记得我们去参观拉卡里塔特公寓吗?Do you remember visiting Casa de la Caritat?

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优质,齐全,品味欧洲生活!True quality, all-in, European casa in Shanghai!

我的乐土就在墨西哥的洛斯卡布斯。My happy place is Casa Dorada in Los Cabos, Mexico.

民航安全委员会一路绿灯使澳洲航空恢复正常运输。CASA gives Qantas the all-clear to resume normal service.

卡萨多拉达海岸是位于卡波圣卢卡斯中心的一个崭新的奢华的旅游胜地。Casa Dorada is a new luxury resort in the heart of Cabo San Lucas.

安第斯选择米拉弗洛雷斯是理想选择利马豪华酒店。Casa Andina Select Miraflores is the ideal luxury Lima hotel choice.

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如果意大利再次负于这位荷兰籍教练,意大利之家的灯光将永远熄灭。Dutch master again, the lights will go out for good at Casa Azzurri.

我在朋友家第一次见到他,便一见钟情。Lo vi por primera vez en casa de una amiga y fue amor a primera vista.

米拉公寓如同一个外壳,一座堡垒,但是这堡垒自有其内部的欢乐。Casa Milà is a carapace, a fortress, but a fortress of domestic pleasantry.

对灌溉技术的成功利用体现在广阔的卡萨格兰德村庄。The successful use of irrigation evident in the extensive Casa Grande village.

比如,米拉公寓本就该恐怖,但是在范围和规模上又很人性化。Casa Milà, for example, should be scary. But it's too human in scope and scale.

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轮到我的工间休息时,我走到外面,独自一人坐在“肉之家”后面的水泥台阶上。I go outside on my break and sit on the concrete step behind Casa de la Carne by myself.

来到卡萨马可意大利餐厅,心境仿佛又回到过去。The same thought came to me while trying out the upscale Italian restaurant Casa Mosaico.

这里是卡萨·曼朵扎餐厅。如果要预约,请留下你的姓名和电话。This is the Casa Mendoza restaurant. For reservations, please leave your name and number.