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母爱是一种巨大的火焰。——罗曼。罗兰。Maternal love is a huge flame. Roman roman. Rowland.

很乾净,明亮,位于最理想的罗兰岗区。Very clean and bright in the most desirable Rowland Heights Area.

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稍早些时候歌手凯利·罗兰也在此举办了一场户外音乐会。Singer Kelly Rowland also headlined an outdoor concert there yesterday.

1837年,罗兰希尔先生在英国倡导了“邮政改革”。In Britain, Sir Rowland Hill introduced the “Post Office Reforms” in 1837.

校长汤姆罗兰说,他正在失去约一百名学生一年。Principal Tom Rowland says he is losing about one hundred students a year.

这是哈佛大学罗兰研究所创建的网站。This is the website maintained by Rowland Institute at Harvard University.

入射狭缝及光栅固定起来,出射狭缝扫描过罗兰圆。Entrance slit and the grating are fixed and the exit slit scans across the Rowland circle.

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杰克逊酒园,坐落在澳洲巴罗萨谷的逾50年的葡萄园。The Jenke vineyards, many of them are well over 50 years, are situated at the Rowland Flat, Barossa Valley.

罗曼·罗兰是20世纪法国著名作家,他的作品是人们强大的精神支柱。Roman Rowland 20 centuries France is famous writer, his work is the spiritual pillar of the powerful people.

罗兰·希尔,英国的一位小学校长,第一个提出用邮票来支付邮费。Rowland hill, a schoolmaster in England, is the first to put forward a proposal to use stamp to cover postage.

堪萨斯大学学者罗伯特·罗兰认为,里根是一个有坚定信仰、坚持原则的人,“但他同时又是一位实用主义者。Mr. Reagan had strong beliefs and was guided by principle, says scholar Robert Rowland. "But then also pragmatism."

里根建立了一个保守主义联盟,但是罗兰认为,他大概不会认同当代一些保守主义者的观点。Mr. Reagan built a conservative coalition, but Rowland says he might not see eye to eye with some modern conservatives.

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这个美丽的两层楼家位于罗兰联合学区有四个全国蓝带学校。This beautiful two story home is located in the Rowland Unified School District with four National Blue Ribbon Schools.

罗兰表示,由于销路不好,南京目前从事微雕制作的艺人已经寥寥无几。Rowland said that as a result of poor sales, Nanjing Python is currently engaged in the production of very few artists have.

介绍一种从罗兰圆结构出发,利用ZEMAX光学软件设计平场全息凹面光栅的方法。A method which is based on Rowland mount and use ZEMAX software to design flat field holographic concave grating is given in this article.

介绍一种从罗兰圆结构出发,利用ZEMAX光学软件设计平场全息凹面光栅的方法。A method which is based on Rowland mount and uses ZEMAX software to design flat field holographic concave grating is given in this article.

与他站立的地方的涡轮塔完全一样的两座涡轮塔是属于罗兰先生任职副工程总裁的美国金风公司。Two of the closest, like the tower he was standing on here, were built by Goldwind USA, where Mr. Rowland is vice president for engineering.

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分析了罗兰和霍尔在这一研究中发挥的重要作用,以及霍尔在研究工作中的严谨作风和顽强毅力。Rowland is reviewed. The important part which Hall and Rowland played respectively in the research is analyzed, Hall's rigorous style and perseverance is stressed.

此款酒是酒庄出产的葡萄酿造而成,我们的酒园坐落于罗兰低地巴罗萨山谷的最南端,邻接北帕拉河。This wine was vintaged from estate grown fruit. Our vineyards are situated in the southern end of the Barossa Valley in Rowland Flat, which adjoins the North Para River.

为了振兴微雕艺术,罗兰尝试让这门艺术与时尚结合,将微雕元素“移植”到手链、项链、戒指等饰品上。Python in order to revive the art, Rowland tried to let the combination of art and fashion, the elements of Python "transplanted" to the bracelets, necklaces, rings and other jewelry on.