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我明白这一怀疑论。I understand that skepticism.

本雅明甚至在那时就已对我的怀疑论叫板。Benjamin even pre-empts my skepticism.

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怀疑的态度也不常是件坏事。And skepticism is not always a bad thing.

我们应该有科学的怀疑态度。We should have the scientific skepticism.

怀疑主义是受难灵魂的自虐。Skepticism is the sadism of embittered souls.

伽罗什带着些许怀疑接受了这些赞许。Garrosh accepts the compliment with some skepticism.

谨记,人们把怀疑态度等同于智慧。Always remember people equate skepticism with wisdom.

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当初,怀疑论如同蛙汤的香味逐渐消失。At first, skepticism lingered like the aroma of frog soup.

这些声明既唤起了希望但又加深了怀疑论。These pronouncements have raised both hope and skepticism.

公众应当对民意调查持健康的怀疑态度。The public needs to possess a healthy skepticism about polls.

这项新的研究既给人希望又挑起疑问。The new research has both raised hopes and provoked skepticism.

专家表示,在某些情况下民众会接受,但对大政府那种与生俱来的疑虑仍在人们心中挥之不散.In some cases, yes, but the inherent skepticism lives on, experts say.

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有人质疑马特里克会不会长期留在微软。Mr. Mattrick faces skepticism he'll stay on the job for the long haul.

又一次,我们有了对怀疑主义的怀疑。Now once again, there is this sort of the skepticism about skepticism.

当华伯格大胆涉足表演界时,众人均投以怀疑的眼光。When Wahlberg then ventured into acting, it was amid major skepticism.

但在费米,科学家罗伯特·罗瑟迎接新闻的质疑态度。But at Fermilab, scientist Robert Roser greets the news with skepticism.

第一章关注于欧氏的神祗-宗教怀疑论。The first chapter is focusing on Euripides's skepticism of God-Religion.

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她的恳求遭到怀疑和再三的坚决的否认。Her requests had been met with skepticism and repeated, stubborn denials.

人们都点头称是,但他们脸上狐疑的表情我不能视而不见。They would nod along but the skepticism on their face was hard to ignore.

但是,这样极端的怀疑主义没有说到行为学的知识。However, this radical skepticism does not refer to praxeological knowledge.