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他是个爱管闲事的人。He is a busybody.

我是一个小土豆。She is a busybody.

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没人喜欢爱管闲事的人。No one likes a busybody.

谁会喜欢爱管闲事的人呢?Who will like a busybody?

你不想当个狗拿耗子的人。You don't want to be a busybody.

她的邻居们不喜欢她,因为她好管闲事。Her neighbors don't like her because she is a busybody.

她在工作上是个爱管闲事的人,总是有事情要做。She was a busybody at work, always having something to do.

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保罗还写信严厉批评那个懒惰和好管闲事的人。Paul writes very sternly to the person who is idle and a busybody.

萨拉是个好管闲事的人,老是打听别人的事。I'm always looking for a chance to stir up trouble. I'm a busybody inherently.

于是富人拒绝了好事邻居的劝告。So saying, the rich man refused to follow the advice of his busybody neighbors.

我的80年代我天生就是一个好事之徒,唯恐天下不乱。My 80's I'm always looking for a chance to stir up trouble, I'm a busybody inherently.

励行悠闲生活的人,他们不会像那些无事忙的人,整天在外面东奔西跑。Those people who intentionally lead a life of leisure don't go around all day like the busybody.

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没人喜欢好事的人,而“酷”则表示一种放松的方式。No one likes a busybody and, says Cheliotis, even the word "cool" suggests a certain relaxed approach.

八卦地在后巷行走,看看屋里的人在做什么。不知道有没有吓到人?被一只狗偷看。Busybody Pico walking around the alley and peeping what people doing in the houses. Hope he didn't scare anyone. LOL.

下文证明了人死之后依然可以做个大忙人,从结婚到环保无所不能。From getting hitched to saving the environment, here's proof you can still be a busybody long after you kick the bucket.

这个故事辗转相传,好事之徒还将之写成小说以流传后世,读者莫不惊叹。This story was spread far. Busybody wrote it into fiction, which came down to the aftertime and no reader wasn't amazed by.

医生非常确信,如果好奇的爱管闲事的人以后坚持要对此进行调查,也会发现他是清白无辜的。The doctor was quite certain that if any inquisitive busybody were later to insist on an inquiry, he would be found innocent.

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毕竟,一旦有好事者传到网上,发生“化学反应”,那么自己本身的一番好心最终也只能换来“辞职书”。After all, once has the busybody to pass to-line, occurrence "chemical reaction", then an own good intention also can only trade "the resignation" finally.

一个爱管闲事的人和我不小心留在书桌上的一本纯素食食谱促成了事情的崩溃,这既是可怕的,但也是一种解脱。When it all crashed down around me, precipitated by a busybody and a vegan cookbook I'd carelessly left out on my desk, it was horrifying but it was also a relief.