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鲽鱼或独资,煮熟,3盎司。Flounder or sole, cooked, 3 ounces.

妻子说,「快去找比目鱼。"Husband," she said, "go to the flounder.

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这个星期的大多数时间里,麦凯恩继续负隅顽抗。McCain continued to flounder for most of the week.

比目鱼说,「她的愿望已经实现了。」"Go home. She is already king," said the flounder.

那条比目鱼果真朝他游了过来,问道,「她想要甚么呀?」The flounder swam up and said, "What does she want then?"

那条比目鱼果真朝他游了过来,问道,「她想要甚么呀?」willThe flounder swam up and said, "What does she want then?"

玊网「哎呀,老婆,」丈夫说,「你干嘛要当皇帝呢?」"Husband, " she said, "go to the flounder. I want to be emperor. "

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你不曾感觉我的伤心欲绝,你也不曾知道我内心的苦痛挣扎。You never feel my heart-broken, you never know my heart pain flounder.

「胡说,」妻子回答说,「你只管去找比目鱼好啦,他会完全满足咱们的愿望的。」"I know why, " said the woman. "Now you just go. The flounder can do that.

辩护人提出的下一个问题使证人吱吱晤晤答不上来。The next question from counsel left the witness flounder about for an answer.

我们从利比亚战事上可以看到,如果没有美国的军事力量参与,欧洲各国就像没头的苍蝇找不到北。We see in the misadventure in Libya how the Europeans flounder without the U.S. military.

然而不幸的是,除非美国做更多的工作,双方将继续挣扎。Sadly they are likely to flounder unless the Americans do more than just nudge them along.

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当自己在题海中挣扎时自己通知本身苦尽方能甘来。When I am in the sea flounder I tell an own bitterness to to the utmost then can be sweet.

试图烤比目鱼和唯一的一个最令人沮丧的事情我何曾做的。Trying to broil flounder and sole was one of the most frustrating things I've ever tried to do.

记住,亲爱的一们,没有灵魂会被留下挣扎或缺乏向导,不管他们跌落至何地。Remember Dear Ones, no soul is left to flounder or without guidance no matter how far they have fallen.

然后他钩去底,深,当他拔了出来,他抓住了大比目鱼。Then his hook went to the bottom, deep down, and when he pulled it out, he had caught a large flounder.

幼虫阶段的比目鱼,就像夏威夷的这只,简直就是成鱼的小号复制品。Flounder in their larval stage, such as this one in Hawaii, resemble ghostly undersize replicas of adults.

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伊雪放弃了挣扎,闭上眼,仔细的回想这件事。Yi sleet gave up a flounder and shut worthwhile of a look, Moncler Giubbotti, carefully memorize this material.

用CHSE-214细胞,从患贫血症的牙鲆肾脏组织分离出一株病毒。A virus was isolated from the kidney tissues of anemic Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by using CHSE-214.

其形态发育极罕见,出生时身体两侧各有一只眼,且常在近水面处游泳。When Born, the flounder is bilaterally symmetrical, with an eye on each side, and it swims near the sea's surface.