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此外该系统还能够补偿IMU的偏移误差。The drift error of IMU was also compensated.

这次IMU与BWE共同完成的工作可以说是“全球首创之举”。The joint work completed by IMU and BWE is certainly a 'Global First'.

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前两个组织是附属于国际数学联盟的,后面的几个组织也与我们保持着稳固的关系。The first two organizations are affiliated to IMU , and we have solid relations with the last ones.

但是,低成本惯性元件精度低,无法进行自主初始对准。But, because of the limitation of IMU 's accuracy, it is impossible to finish its alignment by itself.

由于位置和方向,通常使用的是以前确定的综合全球定位系统和惯性测量装置。Because the position and orientation are typically determined using a previously integrated GPS and IMU.

美国专家怀疑,进攻者包括在乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动保护下的车臣和乌兹别克人。American experts suspected that the attackers included Chechens and Uzbeks operating under the IMU 's umbrella.

于会员年度中途加入的新会员,联合会将按照比例收取会费。For new members who join during the middle of a membership year, IMU will charge a pro-rated annual subscription fee.

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文中设计了该简易IMU的系统结构,并经详细推导获得其导航定位解算方法。The system structure of this simplified IMU was designed, and the positioning computing method was deduced in detail.

结果表明,经典罗经对准方法由于未对零偏进行处理,导致其精度不高。The result shows that the alignment accuracy of classical gyrocompass method is low due to the non-compensated bias of IMU.

我们为未来更多的学员们揭开了一页美好的篇章,他们将进一步领略与体验IMU与BWE的专业表现。We commenced a wonderful chapter for many future participants who will experience further IMU and BWE professional development deliveries.

本论文主要是设计基于TMS320LF2407ADSP的二维运动转台数字伺服系统,用于图像跟踪或惯性单元测量。In this dissertation, a two-dimensional digital servo system based on TMS320LF2407ADSP was designed and implemented for image tracking or IMU testing.

通过利用惯性测量装置的整合,由此产生的速度是非常顺利和准确的,即使你有一些树木和围栏周围的试车场。By utilising the IMU integration, the resultant velocity is extremely smooth and accurate, even if you have a few trees and fences around your test track.

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详细分析了机载激光水深测量的各种误差,着重讨论了IMU姿态测量误差对机载激光定位的影响。In this paper the various errors of airborne laser bathymetry were analyzed in detail, the survey error of IMU effect on the airborne laser bathymetry was discussed in stress.

利用优化布局后IMU的输出信息对全舰甲板变形进行估计,估计精度有很大提高。The layout of shipborne IMU is an important factor that impacts the estimation accuracy of deck deformation, and the estimation accuracy is improved greatly by IMU layout optimization.

这两个导航系统对于无人飞行载具皆有其存在的必要性,同时各自拥有其优缺点,藉由整合这两个主要的导航系统可以达到互补之作用同时增进导航与导引系统之效能。Typically, each system has its disadvantages , and by integrating GPS and IMU we can get the advantages from both systems to gain the improvement in navigation and guidance performance.