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那种虚张声势的作用正在逐渐消失。The bravado was wearing off.

他不需要虚张声势给观众催眠。He needs no bravado to mesmerize spectators.

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并且网站厚颜无耻并自信满满地往它们的伤口上撒盐。And the site's cheeky bravado rubs salt in the wounds.

士气不以虚张的勇气为基础,而是以真正的能力为基础。Morale is not based on bravado but on real competence.

木兰非常伤心,她责怪父亲又在逞能。Mulan was very sad, blame her father again in bravado.

在击败猛龙后他抹去了老沙克的虚张声势。He dusted off some of that old Shaq bravado after torching the Raptors.

在所有关于他的记述中,他是个高大、英俊、逞强好胜的男人。By all accounts he was a tall and handsome guy with no shortage of bravado.

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不像平常那样有恃无恐的样子,盖恩斯与这个人交谈时带有尊重的态度。Instead of his usual bravado he talks to this unknown person with deference.

但这位年轻的神风敢死队队员在给祖父母最后的信中充满了勇气。But the young kamikaze's final letter to his grandparents was full of bravado.

明奈利对情感与虚张声势的拿捏是无可挑剔的。Minnelli's sensibilities were perfect for it – the sensitivity and the bravado.

然而他们用如此完美的技术来绘画,使我们以他的威势为乐。However, they did it with such consummate skill that we delight in their bravado.

但是实质上她还是保有孩子气,她的复杂只是一种虚张声势。However, she is still childlike, while all her cunningness is no more than bravado.

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在期望破灭的时期,硅谷的这种虚张声势可能听上去很空洞。Such Silicon Valley bravado may ring hollow in a period of diminished expectations.

在X战警的电影里,金刚狼稍微对他耍了点狠,他就变成一个软脚虾,比在漫画里的他还逊。In the 'X-Men' films, he becomes even weaker, a 90-pound weakling to Wolverine's bully bravado.

等候耶和华是一种坚忍的虚张声式呢,还是一种顽固、不愿接受现实的状况呢?Is waiting upon the Lord a kind of Stoic bravado or is it a stubborn refusal to accept our situation?

事实上,Coleman认为,更加严厉的针对网络犯罪的法律已经将黑客们的冒险行为打压到了某种较低程度了。In fact, Coleman thinks the stricter cybercrime laws have tamped down hackers' bravado to some extent.

同样的决心他过去曾经做过。一两个回绝就可以使他灰心丧气。It was the same sort of pilgrimage he had made before. One or two slight rebuffs, and the bravado disappeared.

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她姘识了一个汉子,一个不相干、她不爱的人,那完全是出自心中的愤懑和存心要胡作非为。She took a lover, the first who offered, a man whom she did not love, out of bravado and with rage in her heart.

不管对于菜鸟还是老鸟,防守科比除了拿出来自我炫耀以外,更多的是在球场上被羞辱。For rookies or veterans, guarding Bryant can become a humiliating undressing in a sport that feeds off boasting and bravado.

他穿著大学校园里常见的鲜蓝色休閒上衣搭配棕色斜纹裤,却带著某种曾经身为海军陆战队重量级拳击手的蛮劲。He wears the blue blazer and tan chinos of an academic but has the bravado of a heavyweight who used to box for the marines.