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有时我喜欢老式故事平静优雅的叙事方式。Sometimes I like the calm elegancy of the old ones.

三是使中原汉画呈现出飘逸的美学风格。Third, the Han paintings of central China have an aesthetic style of elegancy.

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“小学校大雅堂”——成都市实验小学的办学追求。"Primary school Great elegancy" -------- The education objective of Chengdu Experimental Primary School.

中国历史上最珍贵的绘画作品,大多被历代帝王收藏,本片展示了其中最著名的26幅珍品。This series reveals the elegancy of the 26 pieces of paintings collected by emperors from 3 to 20 centenaries.

然而,当我们急着研究芭蕾如何的美时却容易忽视认真地观察艺术的本身。However, we will easily neglect to observe the art itself when we hurry to study how to endow the ballet more elegancy.

“俗不伤雅”是贯彻全文的核心理念,也是论文中提出的主要观点。"Popularity Does Not Hurt Elegancy" is the full implementation of the core concept and the main points raised in paper.

卧室以优雅温和气息的营造为主诉求,主卫展示现代生活思维中特有的简约理念与美感。The bedroom focuses on the sense of elegancy and mildness, the bathroom shows the conciseness and aestheticism of modern life.

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本文不过于追求文笔的秀美,只求能够对相关领域的研究提供一些帮助。This paper does not seek the elegancy of the writing style, it just wishes to provide some help for the relevant studying areas.

悬索桥因其跨越能力大、造型美观,已成为特大跨度桥梁的首选桥型。Because of its good spanning capacity and elegancy in appearance, suspension bridge has become the first choice for large-span bridges.

省略与跳脱、比喻与双关、重复与照应、雅致与平易体现了丰富的语言技巧。Rich language skills are employed, such as omission and leaping out, metaphor and pun, repetition and reference, elegancy and plainness.

本文试图从冯延巳词的雅化和自我抒情化两个方面来论述冯延巳词士大夫化的具体表现。This paper aims to discuss the scholar-bureaucratic feature of Feng Yansi s poetry from the perspective of elegancy and self-emotional expression in two chapters.

作者结合参与设计过的部分货船,从舱室设计的安全性、舒适性、环境优美三个方面对货船的舱室设计现代化进行探讨,并对照国外先进经验与我国的现况提出了看法。The author discusses the cabin design modernization of cargo ship on its safety, comfort and environmental elegancy based on the cargo ships that he has took part in the design.

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回望三年囹圄生涯,我确实感到了在一个中心的腐堕,渴望在虚无感以外寻求一丝情愫的优美,却终于再次腐堕的事实。Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail , assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection , but ultimately corrupted.

石头背后的精美传说。“织女之心”抛晶砖华彩演绎,居住精神的极致意义,让生活,平静如优美故事。The beauty legend is after stone. "The heart of Vega" porcelain crystal tiles deduct colorfully, the acme sense of spirit of inhabitation, making life quietude as the elegancy story.

本文从地名反映的宗族观念、商业活动、民族融合、社会意识、政治观念、求雅心理以及宗教信仰等方面挖掘了地名的文化价值。In this paper, the author digs out the cultural value thereof from the clan concept, commercial activities, the fusion of nationality, political ideas, seeking elegancy and religious beliefs, etc.