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脸盆边上有个小豁口。The washbasin had a small chip.

给我拿一个脸盆和一个水桶。Bring me a washbasin and a pail.

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我想买一个新的洗脸盆。I'm interested in buying a new washbasin.

每一间卧室都配有一个脸盆,且有热水和冷水供应。Each bedroom has a washbasin with hot and cold water.

每天早上上学,我们都要带上脸盆和墨水瓶。Every morning, we are taking washbasin and small bottle.

英国陶瓷脸盆收藏家希望找到买家!British ceramic washbasin collectors hope to find buyers!

我和弟弟拿着一个小脸盆来到池塘边。My brother and I took a small washbasin came to the pond.

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早晨起来,我偷偷地把尿湿的被单放到脸盆里浸上。In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.

早晨起来,我偷偷地把尿湿的被单放到脸盆�浸上。In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.

房三儿唱完歌曲下床撒尿,站在佟美睡觉的床边,对着一个脸盆撒尿。Sang the songs of bed pee room 3, stand in tong beauty sleep bed, on a washbasin pee.

旅馆没有牙刷、牙膏,洗脸盆旁放着的两小瓶是爽肤水和润肤露。The hotel no toothbrush, toothpaste, washbasin next two vial is placed in water and Toning Lotion.

接着他用鞋尖往前踢了踢痰盂,在盥洗池里洗了手。Then he pushed the spittoon with the tip of his shoe, and went to wash his hands in the washbasin.

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我是999号房间的比尔。这里的洗脸池被堵塞了。请你派人上来修理好吗?。This is Bill in room 999. The washbasin is stopped up. Could you please send someone up to repair it?

但还是有一大缸冷水、一个脸盆和一面失去了光泽的优质镜子。They were spartan, butincluded a pitcher of cold water and a washbasin and a good, untarnished mirror.

此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个浴盆或淋浴。Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet, one washbasin and one tub or shower.

在宁夏同心县窑山乡,山区的孩子们用自制的篮筐打篮球。Children play basketball with the makeshift basket made of a washbasin by themselves, Yaoshan Township, Tongxin County, Ningxia, China.

黛西在浴室里。那时她正在刷牙,但是水龙头开着。水流入水槽,消失在下水道中。Daisy was in the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on. Water was pouring into the washbasin and vanishing down the drain.

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本发明涉及一种用于洗浴卫生间的洗面盆水二次利用装置。The invention relates to a secondary utilization device of washbasin water used in bathrooms. It is an automatic washroom water saving device.

地理位置相当好,在地铁站前面。每个人都有新的床单,洗手间,浴室,洗手台都是独立在房间的。Very good location, just in front of the subway station. Everyone has the new linens, toilet, bathroom, washbasin in the room are independent.

从力学的观点来看,龙洗现象是盆和盆内的水相互作用的结果,是一个流固耦合问题。Dragon Washbasin phenomenon, caused by the interaction of Dragon Washbasin and its inner water, from the viewpoint of mechanics, is a fluid-structure interaction problem.