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你们喜欢的话可以去嘲笑。You may mock if you like.

嘲弄跛子是不道德的。It's wrong to mock cripples.

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勃勃理智将你嘲得心灰。Bright reason will mock thee.

有个姑娘假作一声惊叫。A girl screams in mock fright.

可以对接口和类进行MockMock both interfaces and classes

服务模拟应该如何工作?How should the service mock work?

嘲笑我们被诅咒的命运。Making their mock at our accursed lot.

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我在春光中漫步,不忘把它嘲笑哟。And I'll mock his note in my wanderings.

他假装吃惊地耸起双眉。He arched his eyebrows in mock surprise.

不要嘲笑皮匠的黑拇指。Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs.

他以一种假正经的态度跟她说话。He spoke to her in a mock serious manner.

领导追溯性测试和模拟回收。Leads tractability tests and mock recalls.

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留下来和我们在一起吧,我不会嘲笑你的。Stay with us, and I will not mock at thee.

她睁大眼睛假装不相信。She opened her eyes wide in mock disbelief.

只想跳得更高些,似乎听得出了神。To jump up higher seemed, to mock the mind.

你的倩影将我的视线玩弄。While shadows like to thee do mock my sight?

他的对手经常模仿他的朝秦暮楚。His rivals often mock him for flip- flopping.

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⊙、以嘲弄的眼光看待人生,是最颓靡的。With mock view of life, is the most swooning.

在我们继续之前,关于mock对象有两点需要知道。Two gotchas on mock objects before we proceed.

一开始,模拟对象看上去令人生畏。At first, mock objects can seem quite daunting.