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他们的生活在我看来是那样卑微,那么俗气。Their lives seemed to me so petty, so slavish.

这是他对他教授的作品一味模仿。It was a slavish imitation of his professor's work.

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小天是个有批判思维的、不盲从的人。Albert has critical thinking and will not be slavish.

第二座新教堂并非一味地模仿第一座教堂。The new, second church was not a slavish copy of the first.

这当然是绝对的忠诚,有人也许会称之为俯首帖耳,唯命是从。Total devotion it certainly was, slavish devotion some would say.

显然,他可能是个不错的男人,但你对他并没有奴性的承诺。Admittedly he might be a nice man, but you don't owe him slavish commitment.

正是因为他过于完美,几年的奴性崇拜就足以把我们都毁了。Too perfect. A few years of slavish worship would be enough to ruin any of us.

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在对人和社会的研究中,机械地模仿自然科学是错误的。Slavish imitation of the physical sciences is a mistake in the study of humans and society.

南诏国是中国唐代西南少数民族建立的奴隶制地方政权。Nanzhao was a slavish state power founded by minority nationalities that lived inthe southwest China in the Tang Dynasty.

这是对男人优越感的奴性的默认,这种默认维持着婚姻制度看起来原封未动好长时间。It is this slavish acquiescence to man's superiority that has kept the marriage institution seemingly intact for so long a period.

有人认为这是一种“奴性”教育,很容易使孩子丧失自己的独立人格,所以根本不应该提倡。Some regard it as "slavish", depriving children of their individuality and independent thinking and therefore should not be advocated.

芙蓉走过去站在比尔身边,用含情脉脉、小鸟依人的目光看着他,哈利从心底里希望这种眼神以后永远别在他脸上出现。Fleur walked over to stand beside him, giving him a soppy, slavish look that Harry hoped with all his heart would never appear on his face again.

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如果特朗普就任后继续保持对这位俄罗斯铁腕人物的盲目崇拜,人们便会继续质疑他们的关系究竟属于何种性质。If it persists in office, Mr. Trump's slavish devotion to the Russian strongman will continue to raise questions about the exact nature of their relationship.

可是,与世隔绝很久的大灰狼早就不循规蹈矩地遵从线形的西方式思维了,他知道一条通往小红帽外婆家的更便捷的路。But, because his status outside society had freed him from slavish adherence to linear, Western-style thought, the wolf knew a quicker route to Grandma's house.

帝国主义在我国统治和压迫的整整90年中,我国人民从未对这种统治和压迫表现出奴颜媚骨和卑躬屈膝。Throughout the 90 years of imperialist domination and oppression in our country, our people never assumed the posture of slavish and cringing submission to this domination and oppression.

若形而下地只死学传统,只能做些就事论事的表面文章,这种情况在今天很有些普遍性。On the contrary, one can only superficially deal with tradition by considering it as it stands if tradition is physically followed by slavish imitation. Such a situation is quite common today.

然而在经过八年民进党的奴性懦弱执政和接下来的国民党终极统一执政,我个人消极的观感是,台湾独立的理想已经不可能以民主自决方式达成。However, after 8 years of the DPP's slavish cowardice ensued by the KMT's pro-China propaganda now, Taiwan's independence realized by democracy and self-determination has become truly unlikely.