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他信教纯属假充样子。His religion was a mere pretence.

仙鹤组成一道花环,佯装着起飞。The cranes form a garland in the pretence of flight.

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这个剧作家与世隔绝,生活在一个虚幻的世界里。The playwright cocooned himself in a world of pretence.

这个老板常常以一点点借口就责骂他的员工。The employer often scolded his men on the slightest pretence.

地皮丁为讨好肇庆,假意探望秋菊。Land butyl for please zhaoqing, and for a pretence visit tears.

跟随他的人硬要他等一等,激他说他的魔法全是假的。His followers pressed him, telling him his magic was all pretence.

他剥掉了遮盖他们行动的假面具。He ripped away the mask of pretence which covered their activities.

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如果你想找个理由去打一条狗,就说它偷吃了煎锅。If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pan.

我们都知道他不叫本-洛佩兹,但是我们继续假装。We both know he isn't called Ben Lopez, but we maintain the pretence.

然而,维持的借口却是,这种穿梭机就是普通的航空器。But the pretence was maintained that the shuttle was a workaday craft.

如果你想找个借口打狗,就说他吃光了煎锅里的所有食物。If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate up the frying-pan.

这种徒有形式的拉丁文学习,在我住在这公寓的期间,一直拖了下去。This pretence of learning Latin lasted as long as I was at these lodgings.

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动物不仅用毒汁保护自己,还会伪装成有毒的摸样。It isn't just poison that protects, but even the pretence of having poison.

然而,我不由地向她靠近,假装要买鱼。Nevertheles I drew closer to her and made the pretence of buying some fish.

根据她的建议,我已经不再假装我的丈夫一直在工作。On her advice, I've dropped the pretence that my husband is always working.

许多人认为,英国该停止打肿脸充胖子,故作繁忙了。Many maintain that Britain should give up the pretence of being a busy power.

客人并不喜欢这种饭菜,他们只是装样子吃一点。The guests didn't like the food, but they made a pretence of eating some of it.

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她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a famous professor, but I can’t find any scholarly pretence in him.

他以讨论文学的借口邀请她到他的住所共进晚餐。He invited her to his place for dinner under the pretence of discussing literature.

只有这样,虐待才会有一种合乎道德的借口和假装的不情愿而被掩盖。Only, the cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and a pretence of reluctance.