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脉搏几乎摸不清。The pulse is almost imperceptible.

她又轻轻耸动下肩,几乎察觉不到动作。She repeated the almost imperceptible shrug.

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一个难以察觉的微笑出现在了麦克墨菲的脸上。An imperceptible smile appears on McMurphy's face.

旅行时,我们的大脑发生着微妙的变化。When we travel, something imperceptible occurs in our brains.

她又微微耸耸肩,“他是典型的男人,最诚实不过了。”She repeated the almost imperceptible shrug. “He’s a typical man.

爸爸苦笑着摆了摆手,眼睛里流露出不易觉察的悲伤。Father smiled and waved his hand, eyes showing imperceptible sorrow.

大家有说有笑,不知不觉已到了玉屏峰。Everyone talking and laughing, imperceptible already to jade screen peak.

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但即使是这种无法识别的暴露也足以激起行为的改变。But even this imperceptible exposure is enough to spark changes in behavior.

路面被搅起三——四寸深的尘土里,是看不到露水的。The dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust of the road, more than a foot deep.

突然,受到某种人类感觉不到的信号的提示,一千只鸭子如一个整体似的腾空飞起。Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as one thing.

在本例中,可以将它视为图片中保存的难以发现或者没有用的信息。In this case, think of it as the imperceptible or unused information in the image.

即使是在天气晴朗的日子,浮油也可能会在照片级卫星图像中难以辨认。Even on a clear day, an oil slick may be imperceptible in photo-like satellite images.

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训练、训练、再训练,直到你的肢体语言变得自然流畅和稳定。Practice and practice until your body language becomes subtle and almost imperceptible.

沙威抬起头,看见冉阿让,他做了一个不易察觉的动作说Javert raised his head, saw Jean Valjean, made an almost imperceptible movement, and said

像风灌进回想同样痛被吹散,爱却在不知不觉中着了凉。Like the wind dunk as pain memories were blown, but love is in imperceptible in the cold.

其中的一面,红蓝两色之间夹着一窄条白色,窄到教人瞧不见。One of these flags was red and blue with an almost imperceptible stripe of white between.

微风习习,不知不觉之中,我们迎来了这一次的“七天”长假。Of easy wind and downy, imperceptible in, we have this time the "seven days" long holiday.

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那美丽的孩子一点也不懂这是什么意思,连连用一些察觉不出的动作向他表示。The beautiful child understood nothing of all this, and signified it to him by imperceptible signs.

在语文教学中渗透爱情教育采取“潜移暗化,自然似之”的方法。We should adopt the methods of exerting an imperceptible influence on students in teaching Chinese.

开馆典礼完毕后承佑不断没有来美术馆,惠珍不知不觉担忧起来。After the opening ceremony ChengYou constantly not to art galleries, HuiZhen imperceptible worrying.