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快速容易拆卸。Quick and easy disassembly.

拆卸冷却器前应排干冷却水。Let the water out before disassembly.

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取消反汇编进度指示器弹出窗口的显示。Suppresses the disassembly progress indicator pop-up window.

装拆打拔桩机只需要半个小时。Assembly and Disassembly Trust vibrator only needs half an hour.

工程师们将会遥控操作起重机进行拆卸。Engineers will use remotely operated cranes for the disassembly.

在患者出院并经不慎在下楼梯时摔伤,股骨假体发生解体。The disassembly occurred after discharge from the hospital, after a minor trauma.

采用无基础钢结构模块式,拆装方便。Adopting footless steel structure module, convenient for disassembly and assembly.

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这里是美国唯一一个组装和拆解武器的兵工厂。The plant is the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility in the US.

泵与电机系一整体,拆装不需找正中心。Pumps and electrical engineering one whole, without looking for disassembly center.

简单而坚固的结构令拆装、维护简单容易。Simple and rugged construction permits easy disassembly . Cleaning and re-assembly.

TL-3塑料拖链由一节节组成,可自行调节长度,拆装简单。TL-3 plastic towline by a steadily formed, self-adjustable length, disassembly simple.

如果你需要时钟的指针,就将第一个齿轮装回去,逆序重复拆卸动作。If you need the clock's hands, reinstall the first gear out. and reverse your disassembly.

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拆解设备提供内部观摩,不应被视为反组装指引用。Teardowns provide a look inside a device and should not be used as disassembly instructions.

要对这台车床传动系统进行维修,必须拆卸某些部件。For repairing the transmission system we have to make disassembly to some parts of the lathe.

低成本,容易拆解,在生命周期结束零件可重新利用。Make? C designs that allow easy, cost-effective disassembly and re-use of parts at end of life.

最后,给出了微机主机箱模块化设计的混合图建模的实例。Finally, the disassembly hybrid model of modular design of PC's main case is given as case study.

若在接头处漏水,则可用扳手拧紧螺帽,漏水严重的必须重新拆装。If the joint leaks, then tighten the nut wrench can be used, must be serious leakage disassembly.

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在“反汇编”窗口中,单击代码行,然后从“调试”菜单中选择“切换断点”。In the Disassembly window, click on a line of code and choose Toggle Breakpoint from the Debug menu.

有效的拆卸路径是产品获得较大回收利益,减少废弃物的前提。An effective disassembly path is the way to gain large recycling revenues and to reduce rejectamenta.

废弃产品的拆卸回收是绿色再制造的中心问题。Disassembly of wornout or malfunctioning products is a principal matter during the green remanufacturing.