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他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。They concocted a sinister plot.

但事实真相却要阴险险恶得多。But the truth is much more sinister.

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他是一个险诈的投机商。He was a sinister and crafty speculator.

阿尔及尔的礼拜日是最为不详。Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.

原来这里有他险恶的用心。Originally there is his sinister intentions.

但是,内心深处却十分阴险毒辣。But in his heart he was very sinister and ruthless.

我觉得海鳝的长相可怖。I think that moray eels have a sinister appearance.

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但我认为实际上并没有那么阴险。But I think the actual explanation is less sinister.

现在,三巨头能否在底特律击败险恶六人组?Now, can The Big Three beat The Sinister Six in Detroit?

你在讲话中暗示某种不祥的事要发生。In your remarks you allude to certain sinister development.

我从左眼眼角看过去,那灾难性的天空。I looked out of the corner of my left eye at a sinister sky.

高度的迫害在那缺德的人家实现了。The ideal of oppression was realized by this sinister household.

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关于犹大的传统描述有着用心险恶的背景。There is a sinister backdrop to traditional depictions of Judas.

撞在所挂的墙上,发出不祥的预兆。Clanged on the wall, where it hung, with a sound of sinister omen.

李富财阴险调皮,并且但愿享受,是远近最暴虐的人。Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous. He was the cruelest man around.

有风怒图腾,并且每4秒用一次邪恶。That I use Sinister Strike once every 4 seconds, and have WF totem.

有没有好看的鬼片啊?要日本恐怖片。Have good-looking sinister plot piece ah? Want Japanese horror piece.

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这个人心怀叵测,对他的一举一动,都要严加提防。That man has sinister designs. You must guard against his every move.

这位作者简洁的文字做到既洗练又有邪恶的暗示。The author's laconic prose manages to be both dexterous and sinister.

这可能听起来阴险和危险,但DHMO是单纯的水,或水。It may sound sinister and dangerous, but DHMO is simply H2O, or water.