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头发像木纹也很明显,在其中的一些。Hair like graining is also evident in some of them.

我奋斗以轮胎木纹和缺乏夹子。I was struggling with tyre graining and lack of grip.

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这里后台也会出现粒化。We could also see graining on the rear tyres here too.

在这里选择软轮胎你必须注意粒化。Choosing a soft compound here you have to be careful about graining.

电镀防护性锌基合金镀层钝化膜的耐蚀性。Graining Technology by Electrolytic Etching on the Surface of Aluminum Alloys.

几圈以后,轮胎越过了颗粒化时期,状态又回来了一些。But after a few laps you go through the graining and the tyres come back a bit.

竹地板通常分为平压结构和侧压结构。Bamboo floors are generally offered in both vertical and horizontal graining construction.

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我们的轮胎有一些颗粒化,就我所知,所有车队都出现这类情况。We had some graining with the tyres, but from what I understand that happened to all the teams.

谨慎的驾驶可以在很多圈内保护轮胎免遭颗粒化,但这将影响车手的比赛速度。Careful driving can clear the graining within a few laps, but will obviously have an effect on the driver's pace.

小心驾驶可以使得这些颗粒在几圈之内被清除干净,但这将毫无疑问影响车手的节奏。Careful driving can clear the graining within a few laps, but will obviously have an effect on the driver's pace.

介绍了铝及铝合金的电化学仿木纹工艺流程、工艺配方。The process flows and process formula of electrochemical graining on aluminum and aluminum alloy were introduced.

无需对原始信号作像二值化这样的过分的粗粒化。No over-coarse graining preprocessing, such as transferring the original signal into a binary time series, is needed.

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在对生物医学信号时间序列进行复杂度分析时,往往需要首先对原始信号进行粗粒化预处理。It is often to take a coarse graining preprocessing before a complexity analysis is made for biomedical signal time series.

那场比赛很艰难,因为所有人的前胎都颗粒化严重,但我坚持到了最后。It was quite a tough race because everyone had a lot of graining on the front tyres, but I was able to hold on until the end.

所设计的离心粒化设备主要利用了流体的强迫涡及离心运动效应原理。The centrifugal graining equipment that we design mainly uses liquid compelling whorl and centrifugal movement effect principle.

通过电解刻蚀在铝合金表面形成图纹,然后再阳极氧化、电解着色,可使铝合金具有多彩的装饰性。Aluminum alloy can be colorfully decorated by electrolytic etched pattern graining following anodic oxidization and electrolytic coloring.

化学磨版用强酸或强碱溶液在平版印版的版面上腐蚀,造成幼细微粒表面。Chemical graining the lithographic plate surface is etched to produce a fine grain by the application of a strong acid or alkali solution.

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用计算机计算时的量化过程也是一种粗粒化,因此也有这类问题。The quantization process is also coarse graining processing, thus the risk mentioned above should be considered when the original data were quantized.

本文介绍了我院目前在住院医师规范化培训制度取得的经验,面临的困难和存在的问题,并对此提出积极的建议。This paper describes the graining experience and the existing problems in the resident training program, and proposes that how to settle all the problems steadily.

这里侧向力很大,我们预测左前胎会粒化,尤其是由半径增加的二号弯和倾斜度增大的13号弯造成的。There are very high lateral forces and we expect to see graining on the front left tyres, especially caused by the increasing radius turn two and the banked Turn 13.