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它们像犹大树叶一样碧绿。with lizards green as Judas leaves.

卖他的犹大也同他们站在那里。And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.

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卖他的犹大也同他们站在那里。And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.

犹大输送一切必需品,接济被围困的人。Now Judas sent necessaries to them that were within.

一些门徒甚感不满,特别是犹大。Some of the disciples, Judas in particular, objected.

“秘辛”却为我们示现了一个与此完全不同的犹大。The “secret account” gives us a very different Judas.

为什么犹大福音没有进入圣典?Why did the Gospel of Judas not make it into the canon?

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关于犹大的传统描述有着用心险恶的背景。There is a sinister backdrop to traditional depictions of Judas.

也不知道公元前164年间犹大获得的胜利。He doesn't know about the victory of Judas which happened in 164.

一个比犹大更黑暗的敌人将来到客西马尼园中。There was a darker enemy than Judas who was on his way to the Garden.

在德国,官员可以禁止新添子女的父母给孩子取名“犹大”。In Germany, officials can forbid new parents from choosing the name Judas.

当下,十二门徒里,有一个称为加略人犹大的,去见祭司长说Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests

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犹大的名声传到了君王那里,异民都称述他的战功。And his fame came to the king, and all nations told of the battles of Judas.

犹大曾亲眼看过,这双手怎样平静风浪、怎样触摸瞎子和瘸腿的人。Judas had seen those hands calm the stormy sea and touch the blind and lame.

作为出卖耶稣而使其被害的叛徒,犹大在历史上一直背负著骂名。Judas is reviled in history as the disciple who betrayed Jesus to his death.

牲畜饲养场称带领其他动物就戮的那头羊为“犹大羊”。Stockyards call the goat that leads other animals to slaughter the Judas goat.

有一个门徒,就是那将要卖耶稣的加略人犹大。But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected.

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当下,十二门徒里,有一个称为加略人犹大的,去见祭司长说Then one of the Twelve--the one called Judas Iscariot--went to the chief priests

耶稣就蘸了一片饼,递给依斯加略人西满的儿子犹达斯。And when he had dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.

犹大如何对自己的盗窃和背叛做出了世俗的懊悔?How had Judas Iscariot expressed a "worldly sorrow" for his thievery and betrayal?