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队长,我击落一架敌机!Grimm Captain, I've shot down an enemy plane!

当然不仅仅是对格林童话作了这样的处理。And not just with the work of the Brothers Grimm.

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“关键问题在非洲这一方,”Grimm说。"The key problem is on the African side, " said Grimm.

明白。武器总开关已经关闭到保险状态。Grimm Roger. Master arm switch is in the safe position.

这本书包括209个故事,是格林兄弟收集的。This book contains 209 tales collected by the brothers Grimm.

德国的格林兄弟,雅各布和威廉,决定把民间传说写下来。The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales.

“大多数中国人在超市会直接走过奶酪区,”格林说。"Most Chinese people walk right past the cheese section in a supermarket, " Grimm said.

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这作业我就应该得个零分,艾米莉·格林这样告诉希瑟。I should have just accepted a zero on the assignment, by Emily Grimm as told to Heather.

德国的卡塞尔造就和孕育了格林兄弟编撰的童话故事。Kassel, Germany is the heart and birthplace of the fairytales authored by the Brothers Grimm.

曾经的格林童话一直是大多数女孩子心中的一个梦,也是她们梦寐以求的结局。The Brothers Grimm had been a dream that most girls minds but also the outcome of their dream.

格林兄弟听过两种不同版本的小红帽。是由两个不太重要的贵族讲述的。The brothers Grimm were told two versions of the story by young women of the minor aristocracy.

格林兄弟的攻击女王,但她把他们的武器对对方将是刺伤。The Brothers Grimm attack the Queen but she turns their weapons on each other and Will is stabbed.

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到1812年,格林兄弟经过搜集整理后出版了著名的“格林童话”。By 1812, the Grimm brothers had assembled their famous collection of stories in Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

幸亏有了像格林兄弟这样的人的努力,古老的民间故事如今仍在持续流传。Thanks to5 the efforts of people like the Grimm brothers, the folktales of old are alive and well today.

德国语言学家雅各布。格里姆在19世纪首先对这种语言现象进行了详细的描述。This phenomenon was first described in detail in the 19th century by the German philologist Jacob Grimm.

对了,在格林兄弟的版本中,故事结尾,皇后被迫穿上铁靴,跳舞至死!Oh – in the Grimm version, the tale ends with the Queen being forced to dance to death in red hot iron shoes!

全世界的孩童仍喜爱阅读格林童话,成年人则读布莱希特的剧本。Many children the world over continue to enjoy the Brothers Grimm Fairytales, while adults enjoy Brecht 's plays.

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当格林兄弟在写他们的童话书时,他们尽量忠实于最初口述的民间故事。When the Grimm brothers wrote their book of fairy tales, they tried to stay true to3 the original4 spoken folktales.

像格林兄弟那样的人通过把民间故事写下来并编成书促进其持续流传。People like the Grimm brothers helped keep folktales alive and well by writing them down and putting them into books.

早在沃尔特掌门时代,迪士尼的动画师就曾考虑将格林童话制作成音乐电影。Ever since Walt's day, Disney animators have thought that a musical film could be made from the Grimm brothers' story.