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请你登录外交部网站查看有关内容。Please check the MFA website for related information.

若其他父母已去世,需提交被中国外交部认证的死亡证明。If the other parent is passed away, death certificate legalized by MFA.

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从纽约大学毕业之后,我决定不追求到外交部去从事技巧性的写作。After I graduated from NYU, I decided not to pursue an MFA in creative writing.

郭新,毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚州印第安那大学艺术学院,获得双硕士学位。Shannon Guo, received her MA and MFA degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.

由外服局向外交部和市建委申请将该工程项目列入本年度的施工项目计划之中。DSB shall apply to MFA and BURCC for including the Project in the Annual Construction Plan.

我那时正在攻读美术硕士,要上其他课,所以我只能利用余暇进行很少的创作。I was in an MFA program at the time, so I had other classes, and I did little work over the breaks.

MFA控制器在双酚A系统中成功的应用显示了其独特的优点。MFA controller shows its particular strongpoint in bisphenol a control system of successful application.

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莱斯莉-雅兰是诗人和小说作者。她目前在美国麻省州立大学攻读写作硕士学位。Lesley Yalen is a poet and fiction writer who is currently getting her MFA at the University of Massachusetts.

南森·郎克尔,出生在美国俄亥俄州的偏远地区,从小就目睹了农场动物被虐待的场景,决定在1999年成立了MFA。Nathan Runkle, who grew up in rural Ohio and witnessed cruelty to farmed animals firsthand, founded MFA in 1999.

金大洪是一位在釜山工作的南韩艺术家,釜山国立大学美术学士、美术硕士。Dae Hong Kim is a Korean artist who works in Busan. He completed his BFA and MFA degree at Busan National University.

他在哥伦比亚大学获取艺术硕士并在哈佛、耶鲁大学及多所院校担任驻校艺术家。He holds an MFA from Columbia and has been an artist-in-residence at numerous institutions, including Harvard and Yale.

现在,波斯顿大学文学硕士班毕业的诗人和小说家经常在私立学校教书。Right now, poets and fiction writers who complete Boston University's MFA program often teach at those private schools.

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关于第二个问题,中国国防部新闻发言人已经多次介绍了相关情况,外交部发言人也就这个问题多次回答了记者提问。On your second question, the spokespersons of the MND and the MFA have repeatedly answered the questions concerning the UUV.

历史上,设计没有博士计划,并且许多终身教授有BA和多数有MFA或MS在设计。Historically, design has not had doctoral programs and many tenured professors have a BA and most have an MFA or MS in design.

我刚才已经发布,上合组织成员国即将举行成员国外长理事会例行会议,其主要任务是为上合组织峰会做准备。I announced just now that the SCO member states would hold a regular meeting of the SCO MFA Council to prepare for the SCO Summit.

王岐山副总理将与美方代表共同主持会议,希望你及时跟进外交部网站发布的消息。Vice Premier Wang Qishan and the U.S. representatives will co-chair the meeting. Please check the MFA website for the latest information.

她是美国麻省州立大学诗歌教授,并任诗人作家艺术创作班硕导主任。She is a member of the poetry faculty and director of the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

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她获得马萨诸塞州大学获得硕士学位,并指示对文学艺术和行动在阿默斯特马萨诸塞州的朱倡议。She earned her MFA from the University of Massachusetts and directs the Juniper Initiative for Literary Arts and Action in Amherst, Massachusetts.

他于1957年出生于日本山形县酒田市,1983年毕业于国立东京艺术大学雕塑学系并取得学士与硕士学位。He was born in Sakata, Yamagata, Japan in 1957, and received his MFA and BFA in Sculpture from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1983.

外交部新闻司副司长田琦主持吹风会,近百名中外记者出席。Vice Director-General of the Information Department of the MFA Tian Qi chaired the briefing and nearly 100 Chinese and foreign journalists were present.