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我算了算我母亲的年龄。I calculated my mother's age.

他一定是算错了。He must have calculated wrongly.

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而我们也计算了它们的值。So we calculated those values too.

计算了溃坝波问题。The dam breaking wave was calculated.

确定凹凸如何计算出来。Determine how the bumpiness is calculated.

此事件统计上的意义经公式计算得到16.40。The significance is calculated to be 16.40.

计算出这个实例的光照图颜色。Lightmap color calculated for this instance.

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无薪休假期间的工资如何计发?How is my salary calculated for no pay leave?

我估计他将在午夜到达。I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.

这是计算按照美国公认会计准则。That is calculated in accordance with US GAAP.

通话收费以每60秒为计算单位。Rrates are calculated on every 60-second basis.

这所学校是为弱智儿童开办的。This school is calculated for retarded children.

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计算出的每月按揭还款额就被显示出来了。The calculated monthly payment is then displayed.

在此基础上,计算攻击目标的可达概率。The reachability of attack targets is calculated.

然后我们就可以这样调用计算它的面积了And the way area can be calculated for rect obj is

在5918个事件等候得到计算之时。At the moment 5918 events await to get calculated.

胁强可以利用胡克定律算出。Stresses can be calculated by use of Hooker's law.

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精心准备的赌局,还是又一个百年失败?A calculated gamble, or another century of failure?

国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算。GDP growth rate is calculated at comparable prices.

我写下来,因为是我们算出来的。Let me write that down, because we calculated that.