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欧萱曾是丑小鸭,被造型师批评!Jeanette Aw was once an ugly duckling!

珍妮特难得错过一场足球赛。Jeanette rarely misses a football game.

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新传媒艺人欧萱已经成为人月牌代言人。Jeanette Aw the new ambassador for New Moon!

圆圆现在已经非常习惯相机了。Jeanette had been very used to camera by then.

留意细节是珍妮特·诺斯特的工作关键。Paying attention to detail is key to Jeanette Nostra’s job.

欧萱的第一部突破形象的爆笑喜剧!Jeanette Aw's first breakthrough in a laugh-out-loud comedy!

然后,趁我们不注意的时候,偷抱圆圆。Then, when we were not paying attention, he hugged Jeanette.

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他先邀请圆圆跳舞,看他们一副认真的表情。He first invited Jeanette to dance. Look how serious they were.

圆圆很喜欢吃杯子蛋糕。看她吃的满嘴都是糖霜。Jeanette loves eating cup cakes. Look at the frosting around her mouth.

星圆一开始有点怕妹妹可是她是个好大姐!Jeanette was kinda scared of Oceanna at first but she's a great big sister!

代表大英帝国的珍妮特·阿尔特威格在自由滑中才名列第四。Jeanette Altwegg, representing Great Britain, placed only fourth in free-skating.

看下面这些照片,就知道圆圆模特儿的等级,已进入专业的程度了。Look at these pictures below and you will know Jeanette has become a professional model.

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那里实在太大了,中间姝彣需要找地方坐一下,我们就到里面有一间儿童游乐室,圆圆很快地就跑到钢琴旁边。We were resting at a kid's play room and Jeanette ran pretty quickly to a toy piano there.

简略特菲尔西蒙斯作为新西兰绿党的领导人之一曾经是红极一时的新闻人物。Jeanette Fitzsimons was big in the news for a while as the co-leader of the NZ Green Party.

最喜爱银幕情侣奖得主们李铭顺和欧萱后台专访!Backstage interview with the Favourite Drama Couple Award winners Christopher Lee & Jeanette Aw!

条例草案西蒙娜,摄影导演,讨论与水池冠军。Bill Simone, director of photography, discussing a lighting change with pool champion, Jeanette Lee.

珍妮特·温特森被誉为英国当代一位“富有争议又创新的作家”。Jeanette Winterson is one of the "most controversial yet innovative" writers in contemporary British literature.

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我的姐姐燕佳尽管从事着高职的工作,却还保持着个性和真诚。还有我的妹妹燕美。My sister Kia remained kooky and genuine despite of her high flying job, and there is the other sister Jeanette.

“帕尔马先生继续说,”珍妮特李缩影什么故事片“9号球”的内容,一年轻女子谁克服巨大的障碍,成为真正的冠军。Mr. Palma continues by saying, "Jeanette Lee epitomizes what the feature film "9-Ball" is about, a young woman who overcomes huge obstacles to become a true champion.

珍妮特李将会出现在电影“9号球”,目前正在生产作为自己一起的朋友和导师,盖尔,由詹妮弗巴瑞塔作用。Jeanette Lee will be featured in the movie "9-Ball"—which is currently in production—as herself along with being a friend and mentor to Gail, played by Jennifer Barretta.