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老山民也想照顾孩子。The old mountaineer also wanted custody of the children.

美国电力公司正计划在旗下的西弗吉尼亚登山家电厂开展测试项目。AEP is planning a test project at its Mountaineer plant in West Virginia.

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他给我们讲述他当登山运动员时建功立业的一些令人毛骨耸然的事。He told us some hair-raising stories about his exploits as a mountaineer.

陈晨表示,一名登山者一定不能让自己的家人担忧。According to Chen, a mountaineer must avoid causing his or her family anxiety.

"登山运动员在攀登悬崖峭壁时摔断了一条腿,住院治疗了一个月。"。The mountaineer br oke a leg while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.

格里戈里·佩雷尔曼正式这位登山家,他到达了这个三维世界的顶峰。Grigory Perelman is the mountaineer who reached this pinnacle of the 3-dimensional world.

记得曾有人问一位登山者为什么喜欢登山,他回答说“因为山在那儿”。I remember once a mountaineer was asked, his anser was "because the mountains are there."

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但是在吸收、深埋二氧化碳方面,“登山者”绝对是第一位的。But Mountaineer is the world’s first electricity plant to capture and store carbon dioxide.

荒凉的蓝白色的冰上,一个登山者在珠穆朗玛峰上的昆布冰川上顺着梯子向上爬。Stark against blue-white ice, a mountaineer ascends a ladder on Mount Everest's upper Khumbu glacier.

因此几乎所有登山者,都会携带一种,能把机械能转化为电的装置。And therefore almost every mountaineer has with him or her a device which converts mechanical energy into electricity.

一位老山民和年轻的妻子闹离婚对簿公堂,可对孩子的监护权问题很难处理。An old mountaineer and his young wife were getting a divorce in the local court. But custody of the children was a problem.

艾肯斯坦是在巴基斯坦把工程学原理运用到登山运动和装备上的首位登山家。Eckenstein was the first mountaineer who applied the principles of engineering to mountaineering and its equipment in Pakistan.

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梅斯纳尔作为顶级的登山家和真实的攀登英雄,将继续在21世纪激励新一代攀登者。Reinhold Messners memory as a top mountaineer and a true climbing hero will continue inspire generations of climbers into the 21th century.

登山老将皮特.阿赞注视着一副人类遗骸,这副遗骸是2008年8月在尼泊尔古代姆斯唐王国的“香格里拉”洞窟探险时发现的。Veteran mountaineer Pete Athans looks at human remains found during an August 2008 expedition to the "Shangri-La" caves of Upper Mustang in Nepal.

在他的一生中,他一直是一位登山爱好者和一位赛车手,直到1980年遇到了一次几乎致命的车祸,他才减少了所有的登山、歌咏和驾车活动。In his time, he has been a passionate mountaineer and a racing driver until a near-fatal crash in 1980 curtailed all climbing, singing and driving.

该纸币实际上是在加拿大打印的,橙棕色背景,正面是登山者埃德蒙·希拉里先生的形象,背面是企鹅。The note, which is actually printed in Canada, is an orange-brown colour with mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary on the front and a penguin on the back.

外加上登山治理费、请向导、租牦牛等等费用,可以说登山的每一步都是靠金钱铺就的。Adscititious on mountain-climbing administration fee, please guide, hire yak to wait charge a moment, the each step that can say to mountaineer is to rely on money to spread.

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纽黑文——美国“登山者”发电厂外面的两个大烟囱附近有两口井伸出地面,看上去好象是用来提取提取地面下的天然气。NEW HAVEN, W.Va. — Poking out of the ground near the smokestacks of the Mountaineer power plant here are two wells that look much like those that draw natural gas to the surface.

在艾德蒙.希拉瑞首度登上圣母峰顶逾半世纪后,这位全球知名的登山家的骨灰,可望由一名尼泊尔雪巴带上峰顶。More than half a century after Edmund Hillary first stood on the top of Mount Everest, the ashes of the world-famous mountaineer are to be carried to the summit by a Nepalese Sherpa.

作为登山运动的爱好者,王石2003年成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰,至今保持着国内登顶珠峰的最年长记录。As a mountaineer, Wang Shi successfully climbed onto the peak of the Everest in 2003 and is still keeping the record of being the eldest mountaineer in the PRC reaching the peak of the mount.