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他们继续往前游,噢,一条鱼。They are swimmy around , Oh , a fish.

眩晕病会造成脑溢血吗?。Can swimmy disease cause cerebral haemorrhage?

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为什么经常会有眩晕的感觉?。Why to have swimmy feeling via regular meeting?

它向小黑鱼游去,两条小黑鱼甩甩尾巴游走了。Swimmy swim it to go, two Swimmy Shuaishuai walk the tail.

怎样治疗又脖子痛引起的眩晕?How to treat is the neck painful is those who cause swimmy ?

经常有眩晕、恶心、呕吐等感觉。Often have the feeling such as swimmy , disgusting, vomiting.

眩晕的发生,还常与血压的改变有关。Swimmy happening, often still concern with the change of blood pressure.

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由于引起眩晕的原因不同,在治疗上也各不相同。Because cause swimmy reason to differ, go up in cure also each are not identical.

临床上眩晕分真性眩晕和假性眩晕两种。Clinical on swimmy cent true sex dizzinesses and false sex dizzinesses two kinds.

工作之余,泡夜场的快乐让人眩晕,你是否察觉危险正在慢慢靠近?Of the job, the joy of bubble evening show makes a person swimmy , whether are you aware danger is being stood by slowly?

相反,有些患者由于血压骤降,造成脑血管机能障碍也会诱发眩晕发作。Contrary, some patients because blood pressure pelter, cause cerebral blood-vessel dysfunction to also can cause swimmy show effect.

记者在网上下载了一个“超级蚊霸”的软件,运行时只听到嗡嗡声,还感觉到有些眩晕和耳鸣。The reporter downloaded on the net " super midge bully " software, buzz is heard only when moving, still feel some are swimmy with tinnitus.

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当血压增高时,如果超过了神经体液对血管的自动调节机能,就可引起头痛和眩晕发作。When blood pressure heighten, if exceeded nerve humoral the self-adjusting function to blood-vessel, can cause have a headache and swimmy fit.

头晕并非真正眩晕,仅仅是头昏和不稳定,并无主观旋转感,头晕在改变体位和头位时加重。Dizziness is not truly swimmy , it is dazed merely and not stable, derelict view rotates feeling, dizziness is changing posture and head when aggravating.