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行期未卜。The date of departure remains undecided.

过了几分钟杰里似乎犹豫是走还是等下去。For several minutes Jerry seemed undecided whether to go or wait.

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最终,却被一句未知的话语瓦解,无处可逃?。Finaly divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go. ?

我们站在进森林的叉路口犹豫不决。We stood undecided at a parting of the ways where a forest path forked.

在这四条路中,不如他明智的人一定会犹豫不决。Between these four ways, a less sagacious man would have remained undecided.

我们必须再努力奋斗10天把尚未拿定主意的选民争取过来。We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.

我们将在接下来的十天里,努力把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。We're be working hard over the nest ten days to win over the undecided voters.

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中立者是在访谈时对该项目尚未拿定主意的人们。Neutrals were people who were undecided about the project at the time of the interview.

本意向书中未尽事宜将在正式合同中解决。Any problem undecided in the Intention Agreement shall be settled in the formal contract.

像市政厅会议的风格一样,他们在一群并未决定如何投票的选民面前回答问题。They took questions before a group of undecided voters in the style of a town hall meeting.

主权在君还是在民的问题曾是一个悬而未决的重大问题。Sovereign right problem still being in the people in monarch once was a undecided major issue.

20国集团领导人下一次会议将于2012年在墨西哥召开,不过具体日期尚未确定。The next meeting of the G-20 leaders will be in Mexico in 2012, though the exact date is undecided.

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最终的选举结果是,奥巴马赢得了349票,麦凯恩赢得162票,27票持有人犹疑不决。In the final election results, Obama won 349 electoral votes, McCain won 162, and 27 were undecided.

竞争是如此激烈,以至于经历了过去三十年的改革开放之后,仍旧难分高下。In the rivalry lies a struggle that, despite the reforms of the past three decades, is still undecided.

尽管不及前任共产联盟之狂热,国大党仍然属于左倾,对改革犹豫不决。Though less rabid than its former communist allies, Congress is still left-leaning and undecided on reform.

通过对热驱动部件的理论分析,确定参数待定的热驱动部件温度数学模型。According to the theoretic study on thermal drive-part, a mathematical model with undecided parameters is given.

红军队长还未决定是否跟随队友卡拉格考取教练证书。The Reds midfielder is undecided whether he will follow team-mate Jamie Carragher by taking his coaching badges.

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首相默克尔在柏林发表讲话,敦促犹豫不决的投票者支持她的中间偏右的基督教民主联盟。Chancellor Angela Merkel speaking in Berlin urged undecided voters to support her centre-right Christian Democrats.

共和党表示,这些医改措施成本太高,试图说服犹豫不决的民主党人投票反对。The Republicans say the measure is too expensive and have tried to persuade undecided Democrats to vote against it.

倘若麦凯恩要入主白宫,那么独立选民和尚未决定支持哪方的选民就是他的争取对象了。Mr McCain needs to win over undecided and independent voters if he is to have any chance of winning the White House.