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大楼有一个小阳台面积。Building has a small sundeck area.

沐日光浴的甲板上挤满了度假者。The sundeck was crowded with holiday-makers.

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特别享用的私家庭院面积的游泳池,温泉浴缸和日光浴。Access to exclusive private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck.

私家庭院面积的游泳池,温泉浴缸和日光浴。Access to exclusive private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck.

曾在阳台露台俯瞰预备早餐和午餐都。Breakfast and lunch are served on the Sundeck Terrace overlooking the reserve.

这是否为一池日光浴,还是会被用来招待客人在烧烤?Is it a sundeck for a pool , or will it be used to entertain guests at a barbeque?

获得独家私人庭院贵宾休息室和游泳池,温泉浴池和日光浴。Access to exclusive concierge lounge and private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck.

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高级水上别墅有独立的起居间,和宽敞的阳台。The two Grand Water Villas feature a bedroom, living room and a spacious sundeck overlooking the lagoon and reef.

酒店五层有一座风景如画的屋顶花园,包括室外恒温游泳池、屋顶阳台和带阳光甲板的按摩池。The fifth floor of the hotel will feature a landscaped roof garden including an outdoor heated swimming pool, a terrace and Jacuzzi with sundeck.

阳台空间不仅妥善地利用西晒提升晾干衣服的效率,还能为浴室带来光照,在保证浴室隐蔽性的同时借助阳光降低湿度。This generous sundeck not only harvests sun and dries clothes effectively, but also lighten up the bathroom while keeping privacy and reduces humidity.

上面是一个夹层,它包括两个客房和一个健身房,并且呈现出完全敞开的前立面,住户可以直接进入阳光露台和泳池。Above the base an intermediary level comprises two guest suites and a gym with a fully open frontage on the northern orientation and direct access to a sundeck terrace and lap pool.